Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


patio08/18/08NoRead Review
goat7707/30/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Hey, anyone know what this is?

  2. Its a one-shot that contains three stories that flesh out the spidie’s surroundings and relationships in BND.

  3. It’s written by Zeb Wells, Marc Guggenheim and Joe Kelly.

  4. Hmmmm… I dunno…

  5. I’m really surprised that this is getting so few pulls. I thought it was pretty much going to be just another obligatory ASM pull for everybody but… I guess not.

  6. 4 dollars for a Bachalo comic? No way, Jose!

  7. I didn’t even know about this until I was staring at the shelves at the LCS today, thinking about my light week.

  8. I was gonna pass on this, till I saw that one of the three stories was drawn by Marcos Martin. That cinched the deal right there, I LOVED the Paperdoll arc he drew. And the Zeb Wells story was the icing on the cake. 

  9. Bachelo’s art was surprisingly tame in this issue. I could follow what was going on quite well. All three stories were excellently written. I was shocked that I actually started to care for poor Hammerhead, who is one of the more useless spidey villains. I don’t want until October to see more of his story. I felt the same way about the Spider-Man trial. I want to know what happens. The spider-man banter was also top notch in all three stories.

  10. Spider-man gets less pulls than Ms Marvel!! Ha! Die you BND fiend!

  11. Uh, yeah, check out what Amazing Spider Man pulled two weeks ago.

    I’m a big Spidey fan but I had no idea about this issue going to be at the LCS.  I imagine that has a lot to do with it.

  12. The first story was a very interesting exploration of Hammerhead’s origin which also takes the classic villain in a new direction, and I thought Bachelo’s art was a perfect fit.  The second story seemed a bit stiff and out of place and didn’t really interest me.  The art was okay, but the dialogue seemd off and the plot never grabbed me.  As for the final story, I’ve been fan of Marcos Martin’s art since Breach and enjoy his Spider-Man work, so the the third story looked great to me.  However, I tend to find that when writers try too hard to merge the fantastic elements of comicbook superheroes with real-world adminstrative drama (e.g. courtroom or legal dramas) that it’s hard on my suspension of disbelief, and I have a hard time getting into the story.  This was no exception.  Like Civil War, I have little interest in seeing superheroes figthing the law – in court(!) – to protect their identities.  Rather than raising interesting points, it just makes the whole superhero genre seem blatantly silly (rather than subtely so!) and it takes me out of the story.  Not to say I didn’t enjoy it, but rather I just never really bought the underlying premise which made it less entertaining.  As a simple matter of fact a person could never be arrested and processed anonomously, and the right to privacy does not extend to a right to anonymity for a person charged with a misdemeanor or felony crime.  I find that idea even more ridiculous than the idea of a persn sticking to walls!  Sorry.

  13. I see this book got no love here at all.  That’s a shame.  Odd that there were 3 Spiderman ‘extra’ books all released in close proximity.  Family was horrible, Summer Slam or whatever was ok, this book, however, was fantastic! 

    I laughed out loud at the line about hammerhead learning to balance a beer and please a giant.  Great art in this story.

    The second story also had it’s lol moments.  "Did you just check your cellphone?" is hilarious and Peter Parker sporting a do-rag?  That’s comedy gold people. 

    The third issue was also fantastic and really wet my apetite for more BND stories.. and some resolutions.  I think Daredevil and Spiderman play really well off each other. 

    This issue was a hidden gem.  If you’re reading Spiderman and skipped it, go back and try to find it. 

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