
Name: Marcos Martinez


Saltyoldnavy's Recent Comments
July 5, 2011 4:23 pm is it me or did the joker sound like ivan ooze from the power rangers movie?
June 3, 2010 7:19 am

I like it.

Think it will work great on film, and also who knew the Gods has style. 

May 27, 2010 7:54 pm

great choices!

but i was kinda hoping to see the panel where the red lantern cat gets kicked with a green lantern boot from Hal

that scene made me laugh out loud

April 29, 2010 4:22 pm

looks like a villain from power rangers! lol

but awesome nontheless

April 29, 2010 4:05 pm Looks like fun!
April 7, 2010 7:54 pm

@thenextchampion I thought the same thing! lol


Great show guys!

February 5, 2010 11:34 pm

Aww man this was just AWESOME as  i thought it was gonna be.

Dont know why people were hating on it when the trailer came out.

First time watching Smallville since the first couple of eps. from season 7 but im def. gonna go watch season 7 and 8 and also have to check out some JSA, checkamte and suicide squad books!!!

January 27, 2010 3:24 pm this looks so F'in AWESOME! this is def. a MUST SEE!
January 26, 2010 6:57 pm

As Dick infused with rage ludges towards Bucky, Bucky surprised by Dicks actions dodges split second. Dick rolling into a crouch position and Bucky in position to throw the sheild. Dick reaches for a capsule from his belt and unleases the smoke from within then disappears which leaves Bucky scanning the room, wondering where he'd gone then Dick reappears from above swinging ready to kick Bucky in the chest but Bucky with his fast reflexes was able to block his kick with the sheild. Bucky, annoyed with Dick and his magic tricks charges Dick ready to strike, but Dick grabs hold to his cape spins, tangling Bucky with it. While Bucky is struggling to escape Dick takes out a cord from his utility belt and starts running around Bucky, tying him up.After a few minutes of struggling Bucky escapes only to find a note saying "Im Batman"

January 22, 2010 5:04 pm

This looks like it's going to be awesome!

Can't wait for it.