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Name: Shawn Stone

Bio: I am a professional game designer, comic fanboy, amateur guitarist, recreational cook, movie fan, avid reader, music buff and near-obsessive-compulsive collector of various things.



When The Initiative was announced, it sounded like a great idea to me. I thought it would be an anthology…

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February 21, 2009 3:14 am This seemed pretty final, but it says "5 of 6" on the cover.  Just another error, I guess.  Sure does seem to be a lot of them these days.  Maybe if they didn't do so many mini-series and one-shots, they'd have the time to be more thorough.
February 16, 2009 2:19 am Yeah, totally didn't need to be $3.99.  I ordered this without knowing that I'd essentially be re-buying Darkhawk #1 along with it.  I liked the art and enjoyed the ties to New Warriors and The Loners in here, but it all felt like build up to the last page.  It seems like everything that will tie into War of Kings will be in issue #2.  The padding for a four dollar cost is insulting, but the new stuff is enjoyable.
January 19, 2009 6:32 pm Moonstone and Daken, I believe.  Yeah, I'm totally on the fence too.
January 19, 2009 6:16 pm

I am confused if you're attempting to be facetious.  Please see below for explanation of humor attempt.

Yes, from what I hear, it is in fact Bullseye, but I was implying that regarding 'Hawkeye' in this issue,  an appropriate response would be either "That's bullshit!!", or "That's Bullseye!!", which censored (either for language or spoilers) would be "That's Bulls---!!"  I guess that's too obtuse though.  Oh well.  Maybe next month, folks!

January 19, 2009 5:53 pm

I bet it'd sound more like:

"That's Bulls---!!"


December 22, 2008 5:08 pm Damn, I guess they really are abandoning poor Jen Walters.  No cover, not even a description!
December 8, 2008 5:38 pm

Work that ass, honey!

Well, I guess DC's greatest heroines are put in their proper heroic context on the covers of Final Crisis issues. 

September 26, 2008 2:54 am Calling it now: Angelica Jones, Firestar, who last we had seen during Civil War: Frontline, had given up adventuring. Or did she? Dum dum dum!
September 19, 2008 1:31 am

This issue should have carried the now-classic warning: 

Conspicuous wang alert!

This issue shows suddenly shorn scrotum.

Not that I'm a prude or anything, but it was a bit . . . sudden.

I enjoy the direction that the story's heading as of the end of this issue, though I see from the next issue cover that this series will continue to take it down a generally potentially offensive direction.  As with others, I'll continue to buy it for Tony Harris art and to see where the story's going. If this were an ongoing, I wouldn't stick with it. 

September 8, 2008 8:32 pm You do? Did you read the first issue? I really enjoyed it. I haven't read much Inhumans before and I thought the first issue was beautiful and the idea of what they're using Black Bolt for is cool.