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Name: Shawn Stone

Bio: I am a professional game designer, comic fanboy, amateur guitarist, recreational cook, movie fan, avid reader, music buff and near-obsessive-compulsive collector of various things.



When The Initiative was announced, it sounded like a great idea to me. I thought it would be an anthology…

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September 6, 2008 4:36 am

The old New Mutants stuff is collected in recent trade paperbacks called New Mutants Classic. Three volumes out so far.


I got this because I think the cover is beautiful and I only had one of the three stories. I thought the stories were pretty strong. They left me a little confused about how she came back to life. Blindfold just basically said that she just did. I didn't read any Young X-Men, is there a better story of how she came back. I'm jazzed for Infernus now. 

September 6, 2008 4:29 am The painted art in this was beautiful. The characteristization of Hank was spot-on and it did reveal a bit more of his life before the X-men and in a way reminded me of Smallville in how he's just trying very hard to be purposefully average in a small town so he doesn't stand out. I do wonder though about some of this stuff and if it was always part of his origin, or if it's new.
September 6, 2008 4:26 am

First story started off positive because it was about Iceman. It was a bit disappointing in that it was basically a rerun of the last clash with a super-villain that Iceman had. The Karma story was kinda pointless and the art was frankly, crap. The Tabitha (refuse to use her terrible super-hero names) story was okay in a supposed-to-be-fun, light-hearted quick story, but it was the equivalent of the air head that she seems to be. I'll definitely be paging through issue #2 before buying it.

Marvel really should be required to submit proof to some governing body that a mini-series will 'shake up' or 'totally change' the X-men. This so far looks like it will have no repercussions after the mini is over.

September 3, 2008 3:34 pm I was wrong. Iron Man's not an orangutan. It's Iron Man-drill. Jesus H. I'm already tired of the monkey puns. I'm all for puns and lame villains (I loved Modok's 11; the one thing this may have going for it is The Gibbon), but this is just too much.
September 2, 2008 7:42 pm

I'm going to call Iron Man as an orangutan.

I'm real happy that Marvel read JLApe and all, but unless I get a full book by Art Adams with apes, not goin' for it. A man's got to have some ape standards.

August 31, 2008 4:52 pm Lots of awesome ideas, with the Mole Men, Hammer Falls, Spider-Bitch, etc. The art on this is incredible. If I were rich, I would pay in gold bouliion to get some of these pages to mount on my wall. I really like where this is going. Maybe it's more fresh for me because I never saw Unforgiven, but I'm really excited about this miniseries and now that I hear that Millar's run on Fantastic Four and possibly even 1985 are related, I might have to go out and get those. I'd love to see more stories in this world, especially if it's Millar and McNiven/Vines/Hollowell.
August 31, 2008 4:45 pm I guess I was too distracted by the continuity gaffes. When they make a big deal out of the bad guys getting rid of Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Lantern in the major crossover, which hasn't even gotten to the time of this story yet and then have them all show up here . . . it was distracting. Here was a chance, with those major characters gone, to show what the B-listers and C-listers do on their "Final Night" (yeah, I said it). I know that we get some of that and I did really like the Geo-Force stuff (even if I think of G-Force everytime I think of him).  It's just a little disappointing that we get more stories of Superman, Batman, et al and what they'd do with their final days, when that doesn't fit with continuity at all, and with the case of Superman, he has a whole separate miniseries in which that story could be told. I don't really hold that against Meltzer though, as it's really an editor's job to manage that kind of crossover continuity. The art on this was consistently very good. The Kuberts aren't at the top of my list of the bestest comic artists ever, but boy are they good.
August 24, 2008 2:02 am I picked it up, the same painted cover as in the image above, though I did see that and the standard cover at my LCS.
August 24, 2008 2:00 am

Did this actually come out this week?

Amazon has it listed as "In Stock", but Dark Horse's site says it's out on 09/17/08 and my LCS hasn't gotten any.

I gotta get me some Sugarshock in print!

August 20, 2008 2:07 am

I agree with all those listed above, especially Gary Frank and Cliff Chiang. To the list I submit:

Ryan Sook: More than just a Mignolaesque artist, his art on the Zatanna 7 Soldiers mini was phenomenal! His work on X-Factor is what first drew me in.

Jae Lee: I know, I know, welcome to 10 years ago. I had never read anything he did before but his work with Richard Isanove on the Dark Tower minis makes me want it to never end. I picked up Fantastic Four: 1 2 3 4, Inhumans and even The Sentry. Great Stuff!

Jamie McKelvie: So clean, so damn pretty! Had to find out what this Suburban Glamour was all about and after reading that, quickly bought Phonogram: Rue Britannia from Kieron Gillen at Comic-Con. That's next.