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Name: Jeff Hill


MrPopular's Recent Comments
January 25, 2010 9:05 am Ughhh...  All of these dumb Variant covers, 3 ongoing comics (which are meh at best) is really making wonder why i'm a DP fan.
January 22, 2010 12:35 pm I really need to start watching this show.. I think i'm going to watch the movie.  then go back and watch smallville.  (probably where green arrow joins cause he's my fav)
January 18, 2010 3:11 pm Damn lcs never has this in... can't wait for trade looks amazing.
January 11, 2010 3:37 pm Damn.  I still haven't read #3... I guess i'll wait for trade
January 8, 2010 2:36 pm Don't read Archie.. But love The updates on his life, thanks @Conor
December 28, 2009 2:22 pm I was a little sad that i didn't get Criminal collection... But excited that i grabbed 2 3 4 5 of Scott Pilgrim with my Gift Cards
December 22, 2009 2:39 pm Just finished first trade. The story is so good. I don't know if i can hold off reading it in trades only
December 22, 2009 1:35 pm That was so crazy insane.. Can't wait.. I have a feeling some people won't understand it, It's definitely going to be a wild ride.
November 30, 2009 3:07 pm

I think sweet tooth is the only thing on my list. I have 2 take another look but that may be it. . Which is a good thing, now i can read my Incognito & Chew TPB.

 Bonus Q: Yes. the best part of Michigan is you get a taste of everything. 

November 24, 2009 2:19 pm @Drake mmmmm Cheese Fries