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Name: John D



With the ending of the last issue being as cool and shocking as it was, I really didn’t think this…

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Roberts is the kind of book that falls under the heading “quirky.”  It’s a a fun book with a twist. …

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Oh, boy.  I guess you can say I suffered through issue one of this series… while I enjoyed the meeting…

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JD's Recent Comments
June 19, 2008 1:25 am

Still consistently one of the best books being published.  Riccardo is totally underrated as an artist... a fine mix of realism with the cartoony.

If you aren't reading DMZ... you should be.

June 17, 2008 11:38 pm Please come out this week.
June 17, 2008 11:30 pm

Probably the best show yet, guys... the 45:50 mark of the show was brilliant.  I will now do things for the show that I've always said I will... like writing iTunes review, etc.

In all seriousness (and will finally follow up on the latter half of statement above), Mike did a good job filling in... he fit right in almost as if I had been there many times before.  I will finally seek out a Fear Agent trade... but there's still nothing you guys can do to make me pick up anything Secret Invasion related.

Thanks guys... Mike, e-mail me for my address so you can send me that check.

June 17, 2008 12:13 am

If it isn't Earth.... this might be the true jumping of the shark.

And/or I'll be ticked.

June 16, 2008 10:29 am

I can say that BSG is the best program I've ever watched.  It moves me like no other television series I've watched.  Of course, outside The Office, it's also the only current program I watch on a regular basis.  I've enjoyed Firefly, but I really do fail to see the entire big picture that many folks see in it... amazing, if cliched characters.  I'm in the middle of watching Jericho season 1 on DVD at work, it's OK... it's just not going in the directions that I want to see it go in.  Jekyll was amazing!  And thank the gods that Spaced is finally getting a proper US release... loved Heroes season 1, and still have yet to see season 2.  Never got Lost.... and ironically, I hate Rescue Me.

There is a significant amount of retconning in BSG, and lately that's become a bit of a mild pet peeve of mine.  It's definitely not a perfect series, but I do admire what they are trying to create here.

June 14, 2008 12:16 pm Does anyone know if Seelix survived the battle of the Hub?
June 14, 2008 12:12 pm

Imagine if the writer's strike lingered and this was it.  Revelations was the last we saw of the Battlestar Galactica and its ragtag fleet.  Would this ending have gone down as one of the greatest endings ever or what?  We would've been left with so much hanging, so much unexplained... in a way, it would've just been perfect. 

We said we were going to find earth, so here it is.  Bye!  Oh, the rest of the stuff?  All those plot threads and the unrevealed stuff?  It's all extras, you figure it out... here's earth just like we said.  Even though, I wasn't a Soprano's watcher... I do know Ron Moore was quite a fan of that show's ending.

Frankly, I do not know if the second half of season 4 can compete with some of what we've been given in the first half - sure it started out slow, but damn did it pick up.  We've got 12 or 13 hours of BSG left (the series finale is said to possibly be expanded from 2 to 3 hours) and probably 7 or 8 months to wait for it and work out theories... and I'm going to try to avoid spoilers.

I got chills during the episode.  Sometimes it seemed a little too slow... but, in the end it was perfect.

June 13, 2008 4:52 pm

Well that was anticlimatic.

The Ang Lee thing still wasn't better... but this new Hulk still suffered it's shares of pitfalls.  I'd rather have gotten more of suspenseful chase by the military than what happened here.  It made Iron Man look that much better, but was still better than Batman Begins.

I loved the little Bill Bixby tribute, and the 'don't make me hungry' bit. 

June 10, 2008 8:56 am

Another small week for me... huzzah that the last Local is finally coming.  It's bittersweet, but easily the best series I've been reading the last year.

The hottest place I've ever been?  Some house, it was on fire - I was inside when it flashed on us.  I remember all I could see is orange and red...

June 10, 2008 8:52 am Superstar artist?  I've never heard of the guy before his run on this book.  His version of Superman leaves a lot to be desired in my eyes... I've always thought Supes is the one comic that did not benefit from this style of art.