Review by: JD

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Avg Rating: 4.4
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Size: pages
Price: 5.99

Roberts is the kind of book that falls under the heading “quirky.”  It’s a a fun book with a twist.  The art is solid, the writing is plotted nicely with some wooden dialog… but overall very serviceable.  A good, solid book… and despite the premise fun.

I only picked it up due to it being iFanboy’s pick of the week, and I’m glad I did.  This would be my pick as well.  It’s a bit of a tough read, you struggle to get through all 48 pages.  Mind you, it’s a good struggle… the pacing is deliberate, if not just a tad slow.  The art and storytelling is perfect for the book… maybe a little too much reliance on some digital art tools. 

I gave art and story both a 3 – Good.  Far from perfect, and a hair away from “Very Good.”  I do think most iFanboy’s tend to grade a little too liberally.  Still, probably the most noteworthy book I read this week… hard to believe for folks picked Trinity over this.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Quirky? Really? A story about two serial killers longing to revisit their murderous glory days? That’s quirky?

  2. From the American Heritage Dictionary:

    1. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
    2. A sudden sharp turn or twist.

    ‘Cause, I think two serial killers (one already allegedly captured and subsequently deceased) meeting up in a nursing home years after their heydays is unpredictable, unaccountable, a sharp turn and a twist…

  3. Corrections to my last paragraph of the review… 

    I gave art and story both a 3 – Good.  Far from perfect, and a hair away from "Very Good."  I do think most iFanboy’s tend to grade a little too liberally.  Still, probably the most noteworthy book I read this week… hard to believe more folks picked Trinity over this.

  4. Ah, I see. English is my second language. I guess I misinderstood the word quirky. My bad.

  5. This was a fabulous read.  Thanks for the recommendation guys.  This is why listening to your podcasts, and watching the videos helps make me a better comic book fan.


    There is NO WAY I would have known about, or bought this book without you guys.  And now that I’ve read it, I’m sharing it like crazy.


    Great book, great pick keep up the good work. 

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