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Name: Elliott Sablan

Bio: I have been reading comics for about 14 years now, with varying degrees of regularity.  Now located in Suisun City California, which is where my LCS is located.  Making weekly trips with the occasional trade.  Currently digging Thor the Mighty Avenger, Amazing Spiderman, The Walking Dead, Flash, Chew, and Morning Glories.  Just got the Mighty Thor Omnibus, and it is awesome.



A well told story that evokes the best Elseworlds. This is a way to do a point 1 issue: it…

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I picked up this issue mainly out of curiousity of how they were dealing with Barbara’s previous paralysis. I was…

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Part of the reason I started using this site was to try out some different books.  Thunderbolts was a title…

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Duraflametree's Recent Comments
June 13, 2013 12:10 pm I am really excited this series is coming back. Sorry to hear about Sergio's injury. I remember reading Mad Magazine in the barbershop when I grew up and loved it. His storytelling was always so clear that the jokes came across with no words and no confusion at all. The longer form stories in this is like listening to an older relative tell you a story.
May 10, 2013 2:24 pm A.I.M Agents in tuxes and fancy dresses from Avengers 11 made my week instantly better.
February 4, 2013 1:55 pm I foolishly decided to not preorder this when I had the chance since I had all the trades already. Then out of sheer luck on Saturday, I came across it in a Barnes and Noble in the Manga section, which I usually don't go through. So glad I picked this up.
November 16, 2012 11:54 am The Scottie Young variant to All New X-Men #1 is one of my favorite covers of all time. It just screams being a kid to me.
September 13, 2012 4:12 pm Lachrymoose made my day.
September 11, 2012 1:24 pm I was channel surfing on the weekend and came upon that collection intervention show as well. It hit a little too close to home and got me to clean out my storage and divide things into Keep, throw away, sell l, and donate piles. I was able to do this with a lot of other hobbies, but applying that to comics is still a lite daunting.
September 4, 2012 1:59 pm Does this mean there will be an added scene of someone beating the crap out of Joker/Ben?
July 25, 2012 12:25 am Just drooled on my laptop.
July 12, 2012 11:20 pm I just want to take a second and applaud Paul for a fantastic article description.