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Name: Casey Thomasson

Bio: Warrior from the future sent back in time to teach the past how to be awesome. And also for comics.I lean toward the tights and fights genre, but if the story's not there then neither am I (I'm lookin' at you, Fear Itself...). That said, off-beat gems like Bone, Midnight Nation and Y: The Last Man have been known to keep my attention. Green Lantern, Silver Surfer, Young Justice and the Avengers made me love comics, but the loss of Slingers taught me the bitter lessons of fanboydom. Now I just love readin' 'em, commentin' on 'em and havin' a grand ol' time!



From ninjas with multiple arms To psychic “real talk” on sheep farms It’s weird and obscure, This murderous tour, But…

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The Thors of three eras converge To banish divinity’s scourge Their battle, shown here In art without peer Shall end…

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Our heroes show Spartax their boot While stealing some high-flying loot But the lesson most dire For the guards to…

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CaseyJustice's Recent Comments
April 17, 2013 10:12 am I'm tempted to pick this up, as Sterling Gates is a quality writer and I haven't been getting my Bart Allen fix since dropping Teen Titans... Game time decision.
April 12, 2013 6:14 pm Agreed. I read it again today, and the art's at least a 3
April 10, 2013 5:11 pm My heart leapt at the reveal of the narrator. This book is a real joy.
April 8, 2013 8:39 pm AGE OF ULTRON #5 HAWKEYE #9 MEGA MAN #24 SAGA #12 STAR WARS #4 THE ROCKETEER: HOLLYWOOD HORROR #3 THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #7 ULTRON #1AU UNCANNY AVENGERS #6 UNCANNY X-MEN #4 BQ: I would pay nearly any price to get more Blackadder.
April 8, 2013 8:30 pm This is the only AU tie-in I'm buying. The Immomen/Runaways axis is too strong to resist.
April 6, 2013 2:25 pm I love this book more and more every month. It's a bit talky, but I've come to expect that with Robinson's work. Fun, throwback superhero stuff with great action and interesting characters. POTW.
March 29, 2013 4:45 pm It's been a very, very long time since I walked out of a movie. G.I. Joe: Retaliation bored me to it after 1 hour.
March 28, 2013 7:53 pm Was anyone else genuinely moved by Havok's speech?
March 28, 2013 3:17 pm You, sir, have said my very thoughts. This book desperately wants to be a punk-rock comic, but it doesn't have the swagger to pull it off. I love Gillen forever for JiM, but I am done with this for now.
March 27, 2013 6:44 pm Man, I love a "hanging around the mansion" issue, fraught with drama and relationship friction. Classic Avengers. Also, damn. Dat Coipel. If only we could get him on a monthly series...