Comic Books

EARTH 2 #11

• As Dr Fate emerges as the latest hero on Earth 2, what other heroes make a most unexpected appearance?

Written by James Robinson
Art by Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Cover by Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


DavidClark04/12/13NoRead Review
Andrew Gaboury04/04/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. I dropped this before the end of the first arc because of the (imo) stilted dialogue and recycled green/rot elements, but i’ll gladly give it another shot for the gatefold guest stars this issue. (i really did go “WTF!” when i saw it!)

  2. I’ve been loving this book. Can’t wait to see who else pops up!

  3. Wayyyyy too many words on the page.
    Robinson is destroying the character development here with an avalanche of exposition on every page
    It’s rather selfish that he feels so much fear to not explain Everything then and there.
    Dr. Fate has all the personality of a phone menu system- Please listen carefully to All our menu sections.

    Let it breathe.

    • I agree!
      Thats a great cover though.

    • Like BionicDave said for last issue, it was Wotan the Windbag slowing things down to a crawl. The book was pretty damn good when he wasn’t in it.

      It’s kinda sad that sometimes Robinson has written really great character stuff, like in Starman, and other times it seems like he has no idea what he’s doing. I don’t get it.

  4. Striking cover.
    Not a magic fan, but I’ve always enjoyed Dr Fate and his look(way better than Dr Strange’s).
    I really like this title. Nicola kills it.

  5. Is their Batman gonna be Thomas Wayne? I noticed red in the costume and it reminded me of Thomas Wayne is the reason I ask. If so, that would be great for me. I love Flashpoint’s Thomas.

  6. Just checked out the gatefold, and I am pumped!

    Can’t wait to see what it means.

  7. So ***SPOILERS***
    blah blah

    So Mister Miracle & Big Barda appear on one splash page in the middle of the book. That’s it. They do look nice though. Other wise it’s a typically overwritten expository James Robinson comic where not much happens but everyone narrates what they’re doing and what they’ve done. Uggs. Nice Nicola Scott Art.

    I love the New Gods but much like Orion appearing in Lobbdell’s Superman, i’ll wait to get it in a cheaper trade…if at all.

  8. Bummer.

    Had really high hopes for this.

    Dropped it a while back, but high hopes, nonetheless.


  9. Losing interest in this title with each new issue.

    I AM looking forward to the annual, though.

  10. I love this book more and more every month. It’s a bit talky, but I’ve come to expect that with Robinson’s work. Fun, throwback superhero stuff with great action and interesting characters. POTW.

  11. I like it. I’ll keep reading. Getting confused at what the big picture is here at times.

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