EARTH 2 #11

Review by: Andrew Gaboury

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Written by James Robinson
Art by Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Cover by Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

I’ve liked Earth 2 since it started and because I’m pretty unfamiliar with the Justice Society in general I’ve been forgiving with changes that they’ve made to continuity. We get the new Dr. Fate here as well a teaser for another hero that is literally in one splash page. Well played DC. WTF indeed. The major problem with this issue and the series as a whole is the dialogue. There’s so much being said, so much exposition, and so much explaining exactly how people are feeling that we lose a lot of the ability to fill in the blanks ourselves. The plot and characters help make up for this problem, but this comic is wordier than a Scrabble convention. The art is always pleasing and I am liking where this title is going. But Robinson has to learn to trust his readers to fill in some of the blanks themselves.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. “But Robinson has to learn to trust his readers to fill in some of the blanks themselves.”

    Well said.

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