Article Archive

If You Can’t Send ‘Em Home, Send ‘Em Comics!

RIP Momofuku Ando: The Man WAY Behind ‘Project X Challengers: Cup Noodle’ Passes Away

In some more sad news, the man behind the genius of Nissin’s Cup Noodle — Momofuku Ando — has passed…

More Pics from “Justice”

Two of the three iFanboys are quivering with anticipation for the much heralded Justice League episode of Smallville! Kryptonsite has…

Switching from issues to trades? What would we talk about on the show?

I found this essay about a long time reader who decided to forgo monthly comics in favor of trades. While…

Touring Gotham Soon? Here’s a Tourist Map

Conor may have skipped town for the weekend, but f’ed if we’ll let some fun Batman talk go undiscussed. Here’s…

Year End Holiday Filler Crap!

So I was looking for something to post here, and found this article about the Comic Book Man of the…

I got nothing so here’s a monkey washing a cat

Everything is dead this week. There’s no news to talk about. Nothing’s going on until we all get our comics….

Chirstmas, Rashy Style

In case you were curious what Detective Comics writer Paul Dini and his family were up to this holiday season,…

Marvel Movie Odds ‘n Ends (UPDATED)

• USA Today has our first look at the Silver Surfer. • Aint It Cool has our first look at…

Brian K. Vaughan gets ‘Lost’

A while back iFanboy heard the rumor, and apparently it’s true: Brian K. Vaughan has joined the staff of Lost….