Article Archive

Christmas Wish List: The 1985 Sears Wish Book

I freely admit this is unrelated to comics (at least directly). But if you’re about the age of the three…

Top Shelf Sale

Remember when we talked about Top Shelf having sales on our recent video show about said publisher? Turns out they’re…

Read: SIEGEL et al v. TIME WARNER INC., D.C. COMICS et al

Lots of people have written in to ask about “The Superboy Situation.” Namely, what exactly is going on with the…

Click and Help The Hero Initiative

You’ve heard about The Hero Initiative, right? The charity to help comic creators in need, be it with medical needs…

Get well, Josh! (UPDATE)

As alluded to in this week’s Pick of the Week Podcast, Josh had a bit of unexpected and emergency surgery…

First you win an iFanboy contest, then you rule the world

You might remember a little desktop wallpaper contest we did a while back. There were two winners, and one of…

Trailer: Joe Casey’s Indie Film ‘Hit Parade’

Check out the trailer for a new film written and directed by comics’ own Joe Casey. It’s credited to Man…

Conor on ‘Fuzzy Typewriter’

It’s another podcast crossover event! But this time there are no comics involved. I guest starred on Fuzzy Typewriter to…

REJOICE! Marvel Releases New Printings of Omniboo

Imagine my glee when I sat down to process my e-mail this morning and came across this tidbit of information…

The Big Man’s Gettin’ Old

It seems that Conor has finally joined Ron and myself in our third decade. But don’t worry, we’ll still waste…