Article Archive

Action Comics: Now with NO Superman!

Along with the cancellation of the Bat family books, it looks like DiDio is revamping the longest running superhero series in history and removing Superman. UPDATED!

1,000,000 Audio Downloads (And Counting)!

iFanboy hits a milestone.

Comics and Veterans Day

iFanbase member Dave Carr shared a little story on the forums, and we thought it was so good, we wanted to make sure everyone saw it.

New ‘Watchmen’ Trailer!

I guess this movie is really coming out.

‘Robin’, ‘Nightwing’, ‘Birds of Prey’ to end this February

We’re in the iFanboy Situation Laundry Room to discuss the startling cancellation of the extended Bat Family of titles following Batman R.I.P.!

Welcome to iFanboy 3.0!

It’s the new!  Read all about it here!

Chloe Sullivan Moving From ‘Smallville’ to Comics

I KNEW IT! I made two predictions when Smallville first started airing: 1) Chloe would be introduced into the comics…

Trailer: ‘The Dark Knight’

If you saw I Am Legend you’ve probably seen this already and if you saw it on IMAX you saw…

Back to the ‘The New Frontier’!

There is happy news today that there will be more New Frontier coming from Darwyn Cooke. In March, we can…

The Sounds of ’52’: A Movie in Your Mind!

Sure, you loved reading the weekly comics event 52 by DC Comics. But have you ever wondered what it sounded…