Top 5: Comic Books From The Dark Side

Dark heroes. Like regular heroes, but with frowning.

Dark, scary justice5. Justice League Dark

This team would be higher on the list, but at this early stage all we really know about it is that it features Zatanna, Deadman, and the ghost of Vertigo.


4. Dark X-Men

This team came along right around the time the word “Dark” was making anyone with a Marvel heavy pull list start to say, “Oh, brudder,” but nothing that results in the X-Men’s Utopia status quo and a Paul Cornell-writing-bad-guys miniseries can be counted as anything but a win.


this is the DARK Wolverine.3. Dark Wolverine

Oh, so this is the dark version of the character who was the Grim ‘N’ Gritty poster child for over a decade? This is the dark version of the hero whose super power is being a beknived serial killer. I will never not laugh at the words “Dark Wolverine.” Peanut Wolverine, on the other hand, is extraordinary.

After this Top 5, please join us at a small ceremony celebrating the 400th time I have used that last line.


2. Dark Avengers

Say what you want about putting the Green Goblin in charge of national security: we wouldn’t have a dead Sentry without him. It’s not too late to apologize.


1. Darkwing Duck

All I know is this: if that’s Dark Wing Duck, then Wing Duck must be too dainty for words.



  1. #1 is absolutely correct. I’ve never heard of the other four.

  2. Two words:


    Yeah, I said it. I like the Sentry.

  3. When there’s trouble…

  4. The line for #1 made me laugh. A lot.

  5. I know im going to get heat for this but I love daken and prefer daniel ways wolverine to jason aarons and origins,as a book sold a lot more than aarons work so shoot me

  6. I tried Peanut Wolverine once, but I found a knife blade in it. Sucks.

  7. Yay Darkwing!

  8. Apparently Dark Wolverine is a pretty good title, but I can’t see myself buying it. Even though Rob Williams is doing a pretty job so far taking over.

  9. I’d read Darkwing Duck over any of these other titles. Hell, I might pick up an issue tonight when I go in to work.

  10. suck gas evildoers. great list

  11. Darkwing Duck was such a great cartoon. Why are thy not replaying THAT somewhere? Or are they and I just haven’t noticed…..?

  12. That “ghost of Vertigo” comment made me sad.