
Name: joe dodd


miloloki's Recent Comments
October 30, 2011 8:30 pm do you need a cup of water? man that was funny!!!!
October 29, 2011 2:22 am Wow be happy that the Sinestro Corps skin comes Year One, up in Canada it comes with Ryan Reynolds Greem Lantern movie, What a wasye of thirty dollars!!!
October 18, 2011 12:02 am The Rise of Eclipso was something that left me with a bad taste of JLA!
October 17, 2011 11:55 pm Hey Kevin Smith get of your ass and finish your Batman Story!!! Slacker!!
October 17, 2011 11:52 pm OOh man, if you like crazy stories, being told while in another crazy story than read this book!! The joy that overwhelmed me when I found out that this was coming back! So stoked!!!
October 17, 2011 11:46 pm Started reading this when the death of Spider-Man began, been on it since and have enjoyed every moment so far, maybe its just Peter Parker that kept me from reading Spidey all of these years. though if i would have known how good Bendis is.....
October 12, 2011 9:55 pm Ill give it to you jonny, that is funny!
October 9, 2011 2:22 pm Alot of people complained about the art at the begining of this series, I believe it was the other set artist, not these two and it seems like most fanboi nation just gave up on it, which is sad, because this is a really good story!
October 9, 2011 1:54 pm I think this series has been a lot of fun and more people should be reading it!!!
September 8, 2011 1:42 am I think We3 is an honourable Morrison mention!!