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Name: Wayne Mahoney




In this new series, we find the Banner-less, Hulk finally finding peace in the underground world with the Moloids, trying…

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This issue of Invincible moves at combat speed.  The brutal action is non-stop from start to finish.  It starts in…

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One of the things I appreciate most from Scalped is how real the world feels. I’m not saying that Prairie…

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wayne2001bc's Recent Comments
July 20, 2012 7:40 am What horrible news to wake up to. Mass shootings are a sickening trend that make no sense. My prayers go out to the victims. Shame on that guy's (the killer's) soul.
July 14, 2012 12:35 pm They teased that there would be major announcements on Saturday. They said Marvel Cosmic fans would be really excited about it.
July 12, 2012 10:36 pm Unfortunately, this looks like a perfect jumping off point for me. I haven't really enjoyed this series since after Gabriel Hardman left. And I'm even less interested to read a story about a She-Hulk Betty Banner. So, I wonder this means for the Red Hulk.
July 9, 2012 3:45 pm I can't wait to finish reading his run. I left off during the Madman Countdown arc. I reread that recently and wondered why I ever stopped reading. If that came out today, I would be loving the hell out of it. I'm reading all the Hulk books currently and I'm waiting for the to hit me like PAD's run did. I still have hopes for Jason Aaron's Incredible Hulk.
July 9, 2012 12:19 pm I began reading comics with Peter David's Hulk run. I started around the beginning of the Jeff Purves run and bought all of the McFarlane back issues. I read until somewhere during Dale Keown's work. Now I'm reading the Peter David Visionaries to pick up where I left off over 20 years ago. Rereading these stories, I realize how great they were. There's a podcast called PadSmash that focuses on the entire Peter David Hulk run. Highly recommended.
June 13, 2012 2:28 pm You're referring to Marvel's Infinite Comics, right? I agree. The panel progressions are dynamic in a way that I think is difficult with standard print or standard digital while not being passive for the reader like motion comics. Another comic I think does this right is Insufferable on Thrillbent. They're fun to read. What I like about Insufferable is how the page layout is Landscape. Makes it easy to read on a monitor.
June 2, 2012 12:56 am Oh wow. I thought it was going to be Krypto.
May 30, 2012 11:21 pm This should've been called Breaking Mad. This was pretty wacky. The art really hurt the issue for me. I'm not sure what to make of what happened in the story, but it definitely wasn't the same ole. Hopefully Aaron is about to take this book on a wild ride.
May 30, 2012 12:54 am I liked the .1 issue a lot. The first arc didn't quite work for me. But things seem to be looking up. I like how Hulk is haunted by Banner, who seems to be rattling around in his mind somehow.