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Name: shaun wilkinson



I said to myself this would be ‘Escapes’ last chance this week, what with Blackest Night coming up things are…

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I was so close to dropping this book after picking it up over the last few months. Then I saw…

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shaunbat's Recent Comments
July 6, 2009 4:30 am

This was fantastic and nobody is talking about it because there so many great Bat books out there right now.



July 4, 2009 3:52 am

I loved this issue.


So can you tell me which comic this was?

 "(That’s not to mention the totally surprising and totally out of left field comic that made a strong run for the top spot)"

Please tell me Batman Confidential #31 

July 3, 2009 5:51 am

When I saw the preview the first time I was excited for this, then I saw it over and over again in so many books that I got tired of seeing it. I still picked it up but wasn't expecting much....


I loved it!... Once I'd got past the preview stuff I really started digging the story. Like many first issues it's all set up really but I'm fine with that.

Like people have said, the book is called Cry for Justice so I didn't have a problem with 'JUSTICE!' being all over this issue.

July 3, 2009 5:48 am

When I saw the preview the first time I was excited for this, then I saw it over and over again in so many book the I got tired of seeing it. I still picked it up but wasn't excepting much....


I loved it!... Once I'd got past the preview stuff I really started digging the story. Like many first issues it's all set up really but I'm fine with that.

In relation to your review, The book is called Cry for Justice so I didn't have a problem with 'JUSTICE!' being all over this issue.

July 1, 2009 9:09 am The first two issues of this were my first exposure to the world of Astro City. They were both great issues and were very dense and had great characterisation. I can't wait for this issue!
June 24, 2009 8:00 am

The art in this book is just amazing and I'm sure Greg Rucka has a great story in store for us. I can't wait for this book.

 I'm loving the co features, It's great for a new reader like me to get to read some of these characters.

 Well done DC. 

June 23, 2009 6:46 am

Never read any Animal (only been reading comics for a year) but I picked up the first issue and LOVED IT!

Really looking forward to #2, That is a great cover.

June 22, 2009 7:34 am

What do we think will happen to The Super Young Team after this book? I would love to see more of them in the future.

 They are Grant Morissions creation aren't they? Maybe he would write a mini series? 

June 19, 2009 9:04 am

I loved this issue, Amanda Conners art is fantastic and really liked the story. Can't wait to see what happens nest issue.

4/5  Go pick it up it's great fun. 

June 19, 2009 8:35 am

I thought this issue was GREAT! I'll admit the art wasn't as good and I was a little disappointed at first, but the art was very good in places.

 As for the story, I'm loving it! I was a big fan of the team in Final Crisis and now we are getting to see the personalities develop which is great.

Maybe it's just me but they remind me of Battle of the planets, which I adored. Can't wait for the next issue.