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Name: Matt Claxton



roadcrew1's Recent Comments
January 5, 2010 5:14 pm

Blackest Night #6 (OF 8)

Blackest Night Wonder Woman #2 (OF 3)

Cable #22

Doom Patrol #6

Gigantic #5 (OF 5)

Haunt #4

Mighty #12

Nation X X-Factor

Red Robin #8

Siege #1 (OF 4)

Siege Embedded #1 (OF 4)

Stumptown #2

Suicide Squad (Blackest Night) #67

Superman World Of New Krypton #11 (OF 12)

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #6

Weird Western Tales (Blackest Night) #71


Looking forward to the conclusion of the Mighty, and hoping Bendis can do something with Siege.


BQ: I think I keep saying two thousand ten....but it's a stupid argument.  Maybe I'll start a new side of it and start saying 2k10.

January 5, 2010 5:01 pm

Book of the year went to Amazing Spiderman with 4 POTW, followed closely by Adventure Comics, Chew, Daredevil, Detective Comics, and Green Lantern all getting 3 picks respectfully.

 Writer of the Year went to Geoff Johns with an outstanding 10 POTW followed by Greg Rucka and James Robinson with 4 each.

Publisher of the Year went to DC with 27 POTW, Marvel did have 19.

December 29, 2009 10:35 am

Let's see if I can remember since I'm sitting at work and not at home.....

Classic GI Joe Vol 1, Pixu (thanks Paul for the suggestion), New York Four, Freddie and Me, 1st 3 Hellboy trades, Glee Soundtracks 1 & 2, Glee Season 1, UP, I Love You Man, Star Trek, DMZ Vol 1, Parker: The Hunter, Mr Show Season 3 & 4, 24 Season 7, $50 gift certificate to LCS

December 8, 2009 1:20 pm Read Too Cool to be Forgotten earlier this year and absolutly loved it.  Box Office Poison is the next book in my STACK, so i'm hoping to finish it soon.  Maybe that Christmas skip week.
December 1, 2009 12:43 pm

I bought the 1st issue really just for the Cable backup story, but Yost got me interested enough to pick up this issue.

November 25, 2009 11:28 am

29 books!!  29 books!!  and that's without picking up Powers #1 because I'm only on Volume 4 of the 1st series.  

BQ:  with 29 books, I hope I get to read some.  But of course spending time with family and what not.

November 25, 2009 11:11 am I'm picking this book up because the idea is just so out there....it just might work.  Kirkman doesn't hurt either.
November 25, 2009 10:44 am I'd like to state I am in total agreement with The Circle being a very good book.  I bought it based on it how much I enjoyed the stuff Brian Reed was doing on Ms Marvel and found an even better book.
November 9, 2009 5:33 pm

Action Comics #883

Amazing Spider-Man #611

Batgirl #4

Batman #693

Batman And Robin #6

Booster Gold #26

Cable #20

Daredevil #502

Dark X-Men #1 (OF 5)

Deadpool #17

Green Arrow Black Canary #26

Green Lantern Corps #42

Punisher Max #1

Red Robin #6

S.W.O.R.D. #1

Unwritten #7

X-Force #21


BQ: If buying comics every week wasn't a present enough...I just preordered Switchfoot and Dashboard Confessional's new album.

November 5, 2009 1:15 pm

"Why are you naked?"

 Sold - it's a 5 in my book.