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Name: Luke Batt

Bio: Just some dude. Writes sometimes. Loves to create worlds. Author: The System Apocalypse Short Story Anthology Vol. 1 - Overture to Obliteration.



I really like how this story is starting and where it’s going, the combination of inviting art and a reasonably…

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

First off, I love the Ultimate Spider-man universe that Bendis has created, this version of Peter Parker was awesome and…

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When the hell is this book supposed to be set?! Sure it’s 8 months after the incident…. but we have…

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lukeb's Recent Comments
September 13, 2011 3:13 pm Hopefully there are people around the world right now realizing and doing the exact same thing, gotta love digital :D
September 13, 2011 1:14 pm @Conor: Fair enough, I guess I'm really wondering how long it will be before we get a bit more for our digital buck, especially with guys like 4 star studios doing those awesome $1 on the iOS (wish they had the same feature on the Android, but win some lose some) or the Deluxe versions, in fact I kinda wish all their issues had deluxe versions; Personally I love the price of comics for the most part as buying them on graphic.ly or comixology is still 1/2 the price or less than what I pay in a brick and mortar store, but it can still put a drain on the wallet, I would buy all my comics at a dollar more ($3-5) if they had the scripts/ behind the scenes and pencils in a deluxe version... wish I knew how much more work those types of issues take to put together.
September 13, 2011 12:51 pm Right there with you man, I live in NZ and even though most of our comic stores get comics on the same day as the US, we have so few stores (and none closer than 100km, and they don't carry everything, need to go 190km for that), literally waking up at 6am on Thursday (or was it Friday?) to download the comics as they were released was AWESOME!
September 13, 2011 12:43 pm On the price point, it kinda of makes me wonder if they are holding the price point at the same as the printed versions precisely because they don't want to piss the retailers off too much. I mean the word I've heard is that digital comics only really sell as well as a high quality store, but it'll be interesting to sell numbers of the digital sales. In the gaming world, the retail games that have gone digital stay at the physical copy price because of deal done with the mega chains, and if a lower price is offered online then they have to match that deal for those chains (all hearsay, but I believe it). I doubt the companies have done a deal like that with individual stores, but with Diamond I wouldn't be surprised. Retailers are just going to have to come up with good ways to keep their customers; be friendly, offer discussions, bring in guests, play a good role at local conventions, sponsor local artists/writers, something that draws people in, run contests, who knows, something... I do miss the discounts for being a regular thou.
September 13, 2011 12:26 pm I wish I could be bothered going to the comic book store closest to me... but they're more of an internet cafe now than a comic store... sure they have 2 walls dedicated to comics... but almost all of them are hold overs from when they bought the entire collection of the store they bought out, and even though the owners like comics enough themselves (although I know their manager hasn't read anything in forever), they sure don't know how to sell them, talk about them or get people excited about them, there are no people chatting about comics, it feels like a library and if you talk to loud you'll get kicked out. Next time I'm in Hamilton or Auckland I'll pop into some of my favourite stores and find out what they think of it all, until then, it's digital all the way baby, and I'm loving it :D Just need that Android app for Dark Horse to be released to finish reading all my Hellboy, BPRD, Buffy and Star Wars :)
September 13, 2011 12:12 pm I liked the idea of '27' when I first heard about it, but didn't picked it up... haven't exactly been in a comic book store in a few months, and there were other books I wanted at the time. When it is released on Graphic.ly or comiXology I'll picked it up I think. Ultimate Comics Spider-man is a gimme, I like where the series is going and trust that Bendis is going to tell an epic story, I just hope the Peter Parker legacy isn't forgotten, kinda hoping for an MJ, Gwen or Aunt May cameo in the new X-men book or a small sub-plot thing with Nick Fury in Avengers... didn't pick up the Hawk-eye one last week (or two?), but I enjoyed the avengers issue. My wallet is hurting from DC thou... all the Flashpoint tie-ins AND all these new #1's is bleeding me dry man... in a good way :D
September 13, 2011 12:05 pm Man, that was epic, I love those 'How it should have ended' pieces.
September 9, 2011 7:13 pm Awesome article, this is exactly why I rarely shop at the comic store an hr drive from me (my lcs) and have decided to go totally digital, unless of course I -appendix I be in Auckland or Hamilton where I've had some amazing experiences.
August 19, 2011 7:08 pm Actually looks pretty good :/ well... when compared to the first one at least, I reserve my judgement for when I see it though :) I am glad it's not called GR 2 though, almost a soft reboot (fingers crossed)
August 15, 2011 8:44 am And I can reply from my phone now; w00t.