
Name: Justin Copp

Bio: Fuck you, kid. I'm going to find you. I'm going to kill all of you.twitter.com/jxc

jxc's Recent Comments
June 11, 2009 5:49 pm I bought it for a dollar, but I decided right away that I wouldn't for $2.99 just because I'd rather not pick up yet another series in singles. I'm definitely going to at least look at the first trade when it comes out and I'm hoping they discount it some from the usual price too. That's how I justified starting buying Scalped and while I'm a trade behind on that, it's something that I pick up when I can budget for it.
May 18, 2009 6:46 pm There was a time when I would have picked up every title, but I'm probably going with Batman & Robin and 'Tec with a possibility of Sirens depending on how good the art turns out.
May 4, 2009 3:33 pm

Three per customer? One per customer? What the hell? The two stores I went to were ten per customer and unlimited per customer, the second offering plenty of things that weren't even FCBD books. 

That and the first store was 25% off everything else and the second store was one I don't hit that often, so I wound up spending about as much as I usually do in a month's worth of Wednesdays. Whoops.

November 27, 2008 1:31 am To all the people saying we don't know who Hurt really was, um, Batman's journal pages on the pages after the reveal tell you. You're just not taking it literally enough.
November 19, 2008 5:12 am

I loved 52 all the way through. There was a couple weeks near the end where I considered dropping Countdown because the rat dog issues were just abysmal, but I made it to the end. But I'm pretty close to dropping this now, which saddens me since I loved the first act so much. I was a fun old school JLA story. All this world without the Trinity stuff is boring as all hell. If they're not back and kicking ass within a couple weeks, I'm out. I can't keep dropping three bucks every week on something I don't like just out of obsessive-compulsiveness.

September 24, 2008 3:42 am TMNT Adventures #3 was my first book that wasn't a hand me down Archie digest. I have an incomplete run up to I think #27, and they're still in my big box under my bed of things I never bothered to bag and board. Maybe I should at least bag that first one for sentimentality's sake. That series was actually pretty half-decent, if a little preachy with all the environmentalism.
June 4, 2008 6:00 am So in The Boys continuity 9/11 worked out different? I'm surprised and disappointed that for all the book does they didn't have the balls to go all the way and put the skyline on the cover the way the solicit makes it sound.
May 29, 2008 5:24 am You know, if someone's going to respond that way to the last issue, I'd rather they drop the book just so I have one less thing in common with them.
April 21, 2008 10:00 pm @Ilash I'm pretty sure Son of Batman's going to have implications on RIP. And if the Joker relaunch doesn't, I'll be at least somewhat disappointed. That Joker better be in RIP or FC because he sure hasn't been in Detective or Salvation Run. As much as I've loved those, it wasn't that Joker.
April 16, 2008 5:49 pm The best part of this issue was the tagline for the next issue on the DC Nation page. And that's not even a knock on the issue itself.