Name: Fate Spears
Bio: I love comic books! I started reading in '75 when I was 5 years old (yeah, I'm 40 now with much more grey hair!). I missed a second part of a Batman tv show and made my mom get me a comic. I've been hooked ever since, always getting Batman & Detective. I have read a lot of the popular stuff and can't usually trade wait but financially have to get trades of series I don't follow from my library. I have two daughters who love comics too. My oldest (14) digs Umbrella Academy & Zatanna while my youngest (11) loves Tiny Titans & Pet Avengers. I have M.S. and have had to have 3 hip surgeries (2 implants so I'm part cyborg but walk like a zombie!) during my last replacement I started Comic Book Connection Initiative where we take donated comics to children in homeless shelters, food pantries, hospitals and after-school programs. We also send mature title to our troops. Check us out on Facebook if you are interested : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Comic-Book-Connection-Initiative/109911025706802 .
I am actually looking forward to an Aquaman series. Thanks Geoff!