While the Jonah Hex title is no longer with us, we could be much worse off. Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti will return with All-Star Western #1 in September, with art by Moritat. Yet, Jonah Hex rides on, and comes to old Gotham City, and if we're lucky, there will be much gunfighting.

Moritat is best known for his work with Richard Starkings on Elephantmen, as well as The Spirit in DC's recent First Wave books. His style is often compared to European artists, and will very likely be a wonderful fit on this book.

DC Comics shared this exclusive first image from the upcoming title.

To see our full list of all 52 DC #1 issues, go here!


  1. This really is going to be awesome.

  2. <3 that looks AWESOME! Top of my pull list for September!

  3. Sold.

  4. The art is really reminiscent of a daguerreotype. Really, really cool looking. No question that I’ll be snagging it.

  5. Wasn’t familiar with Moritat until now. I like.

  6. *<reminder> please make sure LCS orders this </reminder>

  7. Nice, really like this art.

  8. So this book’s gonna be in black & white?  That would be ballsy, yet genius.

  9. Looks like a great alternative/replacement for Jonah Hex. Moritat is always a pleasure to see. Any word on who is doing the covers?

  10. @lifesend  Nope.

  11. @conor Boo. That art looks amazing in grayscale. While is great on some books it also ruins so many books.

  12. That looks really good. I’ve seen a few things of Moritat has done and I so want to read The Spirit comic he’s worked on too. I’m excited for this because I can finally get a Hex comic w/Palmiotti and Gray monthly instead of searching the trades to catch up.

  13. @conor Man, that’s unfortunate, but it still looks great. I don’t read Hex, but this looks and sounds exciting.

  14. Looks good!!!

  15. to me, it looks and feels like it takes place in Victorian London. Interesting.

  16. Wow that is awesome!

  17. cant wait.

  18. very pretty

  19. This page, and the other page shown in the comments, makes me think Moritat is going for a ‘London’ vibe with old Gotham. Which isn’t a bad idea actually.

  20. I’m really interested in Jonah Hex’s current run and plan to collect the trades but am wondering is Jonah Hex’s run black n white interiors like this All Star Western?

  21. MORITAT + Gray/Palmotti = GOLD! I am so there!