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Name: harry riyait


dirtyharry2030's Recent Comments
March 30, 2010 6:24 am

At last. I am pumped for this finale. I just hope there are not any aftermath/fallout issues planned like they did with the Grant Morrison's crisis last year. Looking forward to jumping straight on to Brightest day as B.N has given me some much needed history and interest on a lot of the characters I wasn't so familiar with before.

I do agree though twith Arrrggghhh though, in that this could have been told in a shorter run.I wasn't so interested in Seige because i couldn't be bothered with a nother long event, until I just realised that it's a very short 'event' (4 issues), so i am going back to pick it up.

March 24, 2010 6:36 am

@PraxJarvin: Good point, but that doesn't mean he can't totally lose it and notch up the nuts-o-meter meter a little bit. After all, he was a dictator on his own planet and he killed a bunch of Lanterns and civilians on earth during the sinestro corps war. That's cold blooded and indiscriminate murder right there by him and/or his corps.

I just hope that this doesn't redeem him in any way. I personally beleive his character should be given the opportunity to really mess thingas up here. You can't give a man like that such a powerful power and expect him to be able to hang on to the little morals he has left.

I think the Sinestro War made it obvious that he and his corps are prepared to murder lanterns and cicilans and anyone else to get what he and they want. This new power should give him jsu the tool he needs to get what he wants any way he has to.


March 23, 2010 11:57 am I am hoping for some really messed up stuff from white lantern Sinestro, like him going power mad and using the white light to permanently kill off some some lanterns and maybe a couple of other characters. I think he needs a big event do something really awful that affects the dc universe in a profound way to cement him as one of the darkest and meanest villains. In my opinion, he hasn't done that much to be hated so much.
March 16, 2010 8:09 am Sean Murphy has just entered the realms of my favourite artists. Beautiful work.
March 16, 2010 8:04 am

"Blackest Night comes to its epic and stunning conclusion in this over-sized issue as the Green Lantern Corps descends on Earth to make their final stand against Nekron and the Black Lanterns!"

-I am confused. When should I read this? After or before GL52 and BN8?

March 12, 2010 8:30 am Sorry, after re-reading my previous comment, I should be a clearer: The current number in the diamonds is part of volume 2 of 'New Krypton'. It switched to volume two in the arc they called 'World Against Supermen'.
March 12, 2010 8:27 am

@AlanRob and Vadamowens: If memory serves me correctly, I believe that it started on Geoff Johns and Gary Franks run on Superman (Braniac First Contact). Then it kicked off in all the sups titles after that. Also, there are two parts to the numbering scheme, in that the current numbers refer to the chapter of a larger volume (currently the second volume). Sorry I can't give you issues numbers but I'm stuck at work.

February 16, 2010 5:03 am For me, the current GLC books have been the best thing to come out of BN so far. Great work going on here.
February 16, 2010 5:01 am

Great cover.

 What's Nekron been up to while Spectre has been about? Too many players.

October 19, 2009 9:02 am BL: Batman has been the most enjoyable of Blackest Night so far. A Well written, and paced series. I especially liked batman and RObin torchin Black Lanterns with flamethrowers. Fantastic!