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Name: Skott Jimenez

Bio: I've been collecting comics since 1990, Ghost Rider Volume 2, Number 1 is the comic that began my collection.Currently I have over 5,0200 comics and my top book is Fables.http://fanboyunlimited.blogspot.com/


Zarathos81's Recent Comments
February 18, 2011 3:23 am huh...I'll have to check some of these other ones out. Right now I have three podcasts I listen to. iFanboy of course along with Comic Geek Speak (which is missing from this list for some reason and leads me to think this isn't a valid list, lol) and Crave Online's The Book Report.
I couldn't tell you which one I like the most because, well, I love all three of these shows!

Well deserved congrats to the iFanboy crew, you guys rock!
February 18, 2011 3:18 am Hmmm...I've been reading Amazing Spider-Man since Civil War and totally LOVED Brand New Day. This issue was hort ordered by my LCS and the single copy that came in this week sold before I could get it but then I started hearing it wasn't much of a read...
...Until I read this. I know it focuses on the new Venom more than Spider-Man but if a fellow fan of BND thinks it's worth reading then i'll grab my copy when more arrive next week!
February 18, 2011 3:15 am I'll never understand how Man-Thing on a team like Thunderbolts makes any sense...

Fables #102: Another fine issue! I'm digging this Super Team storyline already!
February 18, 2011 3:12 am Curious and kind of worried about a Fables game. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the comics though and will check it out.
Same with the Walking Dead.

I'm not a video game player, it's rare that one keeps me entertained for more than a few minutes, but I can see how, if done right, these two games will keep me entertained for hours.
February 18, 2011 3:10 am I'm not seeing anything impressive about this movie. The more I see the worse it looks. It won't but I really hope these movies start to bomb.
February 17, 2011 3:58 pm @gobo  It would be nice if Marvel would fix Ghost Rider. All this garbage about multiple Ghost Riders and all the history of the Rider that we've been told being a lie is stupid.
He was my all time favorite character until all this crap and that movie ruined him...
February 17, 2011 2:43 pm @djd  they will remain seperate. This was pretty much established from the get go.
Yeah, it's a fun story and I've enjoyed the heck out of it but I don't get where people are thinking this is a meeting of these characters....

Also, if the art in the regular Transformers series was like this I would be getting that too. But the faux movie look of the series is annoying. I didn't like the movies and I won't read a comic that continues that horrible look.
February 17, 2011 2:38 pm SWEET! Finally a Silver Surfer book that doesn't stand with an event (not that I minded those) and a GREAT read to boot!
Nice to see him on his own again doing what he does, more back to basics herer really. Sorry, Prax but he wasn't out of character at all here.
February 14, 2011 3:59 am I had given up buying regular action figures in favor of the Eaglemoss Classic Marvel Figuring Collection and try to stay away from other figures...but I did make the exceptiong for the Marvel Zombies figures...then again for the 19" Galactus from Toys 'r Us...I guess one more time won't hurt.
I wonder if the comic book figures will be in black and white, lol
February 10, 2011 1:02 pm The identity of Sliverslipper...when I turned that page it was 'holy shit!' out loud! Good thing my roommates are also big comics geeks!