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Name: Skott Jimenez

Bio: I've been collecting comics since 1990, Ghost Rider Volume 2, Number 1 is the comic that began my collection.Currently I have over 5,0200 comics and my top book is Fables.http://fanboyunlimited.blogspot.com/


Zarathos81's Recent Comments
March 3, 2011 4:46 pm Rocket Raccoon. That's all you need.
March 1, 2011 9:36 pm Is this actually coming out? I'm looking at Diamond's list (which is always accurate *snicker*) and I don't see it listed at all, other than a picture of the cover.
March 1, 2011 12:18 am The art was really bad. Felt like one of those really cheap indie comics from the 90's. Now the backup story with Spider-Man and Franklin was WAY better than the main story (though the main did have a few moments)

Overall, not a very interesting fake final issue. Looking forward to Storm's return in February 2012's Fantastic Four #600
February 24, 2011 6:25 pm The Spidey back up was good. The main story would have been better if the art was better.
For a fake final issue it was alright though. I guess I'll be taking about 11 months off and might come back for Fantastic Four #600.
February 24, 2011 6:15 pm Michael Bay.
It's going to suck. To bad, too, I lOVE the comics and have them all. Working on getting the trades now so I can pass them along to my friends.
February 24, 2011 6:14 pm I'm reading Essential Thor, Volume 1 now and have the 2nd and 3rd volumes waiting. I would just suggest for people to stick to the comics because that movie looks like a really bad car wreck. Or a botched abortion, I haven't figured it out yet...
But the more I see the worse it looks.

Thor The Mighty Avenger was AWESOME and I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy Thor again when it reverts back to Journey Into Mystery and the Fraction/Ferry team is far away from it.
February 24, 2011 6:11 pm hrmm...says video is no longer available.
Well, I did see the featurette on All*Star Superman...probably the ONLY entertaining part of that DVD. The Superman thing was so BORING it wasn't funny.

But from what I saw of this in the featurette it looks alright, Kilowag's voice is off though. They really need to start using real cartoon voice actors and not celebrities for these. SOME celebs can do this but to many of them can't.
Not really feeling Fillion as Hal but it's still early and it looks WAY better than that stupid live action car wreck.
February 24, 2011 6:08 pm Looks better than that live action crap.
February 24, 2011 6:07 pm I didn't really like much of the art in the Fake Final Issue of Fantastic Four. The Spider-Man/Franklin back up was really good though.
It's really to bad Marvel pissed me off with their mishandling of #587, their FF miniseries sounds interesting but I really don't care about getting it so I'll probably wait until they trade it and might come back to Fantastic Four with next year's #600.

Amazing Spider-Man was...Amazing.
February 21, 2011 8:37 pm I love the tag line: Confused? Read More Comics. PERFECT!