New Punisher + Daredevil series? Marvel Unveils “Big Shots”

Marvel Comics just sent over to us an announcement about their latest initative, "Big Shots" which focuses on the launch of 3 major new series, featuring characters we're very familiar with.  We already know about Moon Knight with Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev, but this announcement reveals that there will be a new Daredevil series and a new Punisher series, with the creative teams for both books yet to be announced.  Both The Punisher and Daredevil will be returning to the Marvel Universe with new #1 issues.  Marvel promises to announce the creative teams behind both books at the upcoming C2E2 convention in Chicago.

This is an interesting announcement as it confirms the rumors we've been hearing about the future of The Punisher after Rick Remender wraps up his story in Punisher: In The Blood.  As revealed in an interview with iFanboy, Remender confirmed that Punisher: In The Blood would be his last Punisher story, and he is not the writer on the upcoming series.  On the Daredevil side of things, this confirms our speculation that even though Matt Murdock is on walkabout and Black Panther is currently protecting Hell's Kitchen in Black Panther: The Man Without Fear, it appears that Matt Murdock will be back in the red tights as Daredevil.  Daredevil has had a legacy over the past 10+ years of top talent writing the book, from Kevin Smith to Brian Bendis' epic run to Ed Brubaker to Andy Diggle, so one would expect Marvel has lined up a superstar to write the book.  Only time will tell and we'll find out at C2E2.


  1. Well… I’m disappointed.  Was really hoping for Ghost Rider, Dr Strange or someone that hasn’t been spotlighted for a while

  2. is that Bagley art on that teaser? Damn that’s awesome!

  3. Aaron on Daredevil, Brubaker on Punisher? 

  4. Much love for Aaron but I think they said “Superstar Teams”, doesn’t totally rule him out but I don’t think they’d use that for him yet.

  5. @RoiVampire  Looks like Alan Davis to me. It sure is pretty.

  6. @gobo  He IS one of their five “architects.” And the others already have big projects. Bendis on Moon Knight, Fraction on Fear Itself, Hickman on Future Foundation. Since Brubaker’s already worked on DD, I figure Punisher makes the most sense for him. 

  7. @Paul, I was going to go with Aaron on Punisher.

  8. I hope its still Remender on Punisher. I like the series right now.

  9. @Bryce31 The article explicitly states it’s NOT Remender.

  10. Jeez How many Punisher Number 1s have there been in the past 2 years???

  11. So they are essentially trying to recreate Marvel Knights.

  12. @Paul:  You totally read my mind when I saw this and Jason Aaron just popped into my head as the Daredevil writer.  If you take the crime writing that he has done with Scalped and they let him run with the universe very similarly to his Ghost Rider run we may see the return to the epic Daredevil that we have come to enjoy from Marvel.    The Punisher one is strange since Aaron wrote Punisher MAX it might work, but I don’t know if that translates to fighting with the Hood.  While Fraction is writing Fear Itself he did co write the Punisher book previously and may fit the bill.  But it really leaves me to wonder who it could be.  I think Brubacker is manging the Captain America book excellently and may pop into the equation for Punisher as you mentioned previosuly.

  13. Man, I’m just sad that Remender’s Punisher is ending. Remender if you are reading this: I chose Punisher/Frankencastle as a POTW more than any other title last year. It was a phenomenal book.

  14. Whatever gets Diggle off Daredevil is fine by me.

  15. @forestjwp  not even co-writing, Fraction straight up wrote the Punisher book that spun out of civil war and put Frank back into the 616 for the first time in years. i would buy Fraction writing Frank again.

  16. I heard Diggle’s run was so-so, but the guy hasn’t been on a regular title longer than maybe a year or so since becoming Marvel exclusive.  Maybe Diggle will go to Punisher, who knows.  Still, I’d like to see him find his groove again at Marvel as his DC/Vertigo stuff is awesome.

  17. The Q&C team of Rucka and Samnee would be awesome on Daredevil. In fact, even Jason Alexander, another Q&C artist, would be great.

    That said, I’m liking the current Black Panther book.

  18. If Brubaker takes over punisher I’d read that. 

  19. Rucka + Samnee + DD = Sold! Aaron + Garney + DD = Sold! Diggle’s DD run had me jump that sinking ship. I read Fraction’s Punisher volume 1 trade; it wasn’t that good. Brubaker wrote great Frank Castle scenes when Matt was in prison. Brubaker + Punisher + Michael Lark + Stefano (inks) = Sold!

  20. @Gobo I too was hoping for it be a lesser known character. Still I love me some Daredevil. So no complaints on that. I gotta see who the team is on the Punisher book first though.

  21. As cool as it is to have Romita on Avengers, I would poop myself with excitement if they put him on Punisher. Team him with Aaron and you’re selling comic gold I tell yea!

  22. anyone reading Aaron’s PunisherMax? i read the first volume trade; must-read.

  23. @iSpiderMan  It’s been great so far, I’d be bummed if he stopped writing it to move over to 616 Punisher

  24. @paul I could go with that

  25. @jmstump  I’d love Romita Jr. on DD or Punisher to be honest. You put him on a book and i will buy that book plain and simple

  26. Paladin is a big shot!!! Anyone know what happened to Odin’s spear?

  27. Thank god they’re doing something about Daredevil. That was one of my top 5 favorite books for years then when Diggle took over I couldnt stand it anymore and dropped it after 6 months. Now Im really itching for my Daredevil fix every month, so fingers crossed.

  28. My guesses: Nick Spencer on Daredevil and Nick Spencer on Punisher.

    Seriously though, I’d love Aaron on DD, that would definitely get me back. 

  29. *sigh*

    Instead of focusing on characters barely focused we’re going to do another relaunch of three established characters. I think this announcement shows that Marvel has no idea what to do with Daredevil. He’s gone through so many changes in the last two years.

    Count me out on any of this. 

  30. A damn shame about Remender leaving Punisher…his mix of the character’s established elements with the bizzare made for the best Punisher stories in awhile.

  31. @gobo  It would be nice if Marvel would fix Ghost Rider. All this garbage about multiple Ghost Riders and all the history of the Rider that we’ve been told being a lie is stupid.
    He was my all time favorite character until all this crap and that movie ruined him…

  32. I’m kind of getting tired of the constant re-launch of Punisher. Also, I agree with the thoughts about adding Ghost Rider to the mix. The story line that Jason Aaron did was awesome (at least in the begining; it got a little hairy at the end). I had never really been interested in GH before that, so I would love to read more. 

  33. @TheNextChampion How is moon knight an established character?

  34. I’ve been wishing Aaron would take over DD ever since they announced Brubaker was leaving the book, although I did like Diggle on DD proper (who liked Shadowland anyway) so I hope it is him.As for an artist, to me the most sense would be David Aja. He was so great on Iron Fist and he’s already done Daredevil.

    On the complete “would just like to see how it turned out” kind of deal, I think Joe Kelly might do a decent job writing it, and seeing as Dustin Nguyen will be done with Streets of Gotham soon, I would like to see how that pairing does it.

  35. @Anson17  Moon Knight is a pretty established character. He’s been around for over 35 years.

  36. a Rucka & Samnee DD would be cool; i really could not care less about Punisher as a solo character. I enjoy him as a supporting character. Looking forward to Bendis & Maleev’s Moon Knight.

  37. Could be Bendis on Daredevil again. What’s one more book among the dozen or so he writes?

  38. @Zarathos81  How did being possessed by a denizen of Hell, yet working for the forces of good make sense??  And no points are awarded for bringing up being a ‘Spirit of Vengeance’ because that does not cover anywhere near the amount of ‘good work’ that he did.

  39. @Anson17  there are 3 volumes of Essential Moon Knight. If that’s not established I don’t know what is.

  40. so is black panther: man without fear going to continue? and…the actual man without fear will have his own title? or will black panter end?

  41. John Layman is a definite possibility for one of these books:

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} “I’ve got three projects on deck, all of which I accepted for different reasons. One for a big fanboy thrill, and I probably would have written it for free. Another is with an artist I consider a legend. And another is a really high profile gig with Marvel which I took… well, because Marvel has never handed me a high-profile thing that wasn’t me riding on the coattails of some other creator’s event.”

    -from a recent interview at The Beat. Does the success of Chew grant him ‘superstar’ status? 

  42. @cabernetfranc  in my eyes it does but i doubt it for the general audience

  43. I wonder if these means that DD and Punisher are moving to the West Coast with Moonie. Either way I’m delighted by this. And I second the Rucka/Samnee team-up; that would be amaaaazing! So much potential here.

  44. There’s only one team that should do the new Daredevil: Azzarello & Risso!

  45. I want to see where they go with this. All three books could be good given the right team.

  46. @Thechangingman  I would love too see that too, but I’m guessing with that space book they are doing for Vertigo, it likely wouldn’t happen. Sad times…

  47. Aaron’s Ghost Rider was a great ride. Sad it ended. Best take, IMO. He gave it a grindhouse feel.

  48. @Conor

    Thats what I get for just skimming the article.

  49. awww I was really hoping we’d get a little more Black Panther before Matt came back 🙁

  50. I will definitely pick up that Moon Knight comic. Possibly the Daredevil as well. Punisher is a character that I just can’t get behind. He is just too unrealistic. he runs around killing everybody, and NO heroes take him in? When it’s all said and done’ he’s just a normal guy with guns. Yeah, he has training, but so does the hordes of Hydra agents that captain america defeats without breaking a sweat. Any team in th Marvel U could take down the Punisher in roughly 12 seconds, including Power pack.

  51. Psyched to read some street level NYC heroes who haunt the night.