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Name: John Wolf


Wolfdog's Recent Comments
March 9, 2011 11:06 am If I were to happen to be in the area and it was actually playing, I wouldn't be able to resist. Just for the circus-ness of it.

I hope this doesn't sour Broadway's chances of making a The Walking Dead musical. I would drive to NYC to see zombie jazz hands. With music by The Eels.
February 16, 2011 1:22 am A note of warning on the Kirby omnibus... that Madbomb shit is bananas.  Kirby wrote it as well, and I think Marvel editors were hands-off to keep the King happy.  It's a crazy story with crazy good art.

I have all the issues, plus the Essential volume, so I won't pick this up.  I would love a re-colored Kirby Cap Tales Of Suspense omnibus.  Or, while I'm dreaming, a Strange Tales/Fury Steranko omnibus. 
February 4, 2011 12:57 pm Well said, Katers.  I've been stepping away from the direct market recently.  No more pull list, no more trying to remember to pick up the books I don't exactly remember ordering.  I'll stop by the LCS when I'm in the neighborhood and browse, I'll buy trades from Amazon and my nearby bookstore, and if something get buzz that I really, really want I'll try to find it in digital outlets like Comixology and Graphic.ly.  If I don't find it, I'm not going to worry about it.

In a perfect world, I could get day/date digital or find books from the last few weeks or so at Walgreens or Target.  Until then, I'll do what suits my income and interest level.  I have enough to be responsible for besides propping up a flawed system.
February 3, 2011 11:07 am Could take it a whole different (Clooney Batman) route and have a Nick Cage Bizarro and a Gary Busey Darkseid.

I didn't have issues with the Returns cast, just didn't care for the story. 
January 28, 2011 12:32 pm I'm distracted from your fine article by the fact that Charlie Hustle was only considered a 'C' base stealer in 1965.

The card crime aspect could certainly be foiled by having your arch enemy end up being Ron Guidry in 1978. 
January 24, 2011 4:49 pm hrm.  Bomba The Jungle Boy #4.  I was not aware of this 'Bomba Era'.

..and, to make me feel a little bit older, Batman #200.  I was born 500 issues of Batman ago.  Let me ponder that one while I wait the results of my prostrate test.
January 21, 2011 3:25 pm I'm fine with Bane.  I'm just disappointed there were no casting announcements for Detective Chimp and Batmite.  I was thinking Tom Cruise in a dual role.
January 11, 2011 11:18 am It's the future now, and I still can't buy a Kirby designed, tree-hugging, reverse 3-wheeler?

Time to dig through the longboxes and re-read this awesome run.
November 4, 2010 11:01 pm

I want to be a digital comic reader... but DRM and propriatary platforms scare me.  Between glitches like the one described, and the concept of what happens to the media that you purchased if the platform provider goes away, gives a certain amount of risk to spending a lot of money in this manner.

It's early enough to learn lessons from the music industry, and not repeat them. 

November 4, 2010 10:36 am Maybe Johnny took a cash job as a chimney sweep.