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Name: John Wolf


Wolfdog's Recent Comments
October 24, 2011 4:36 am I'm not usually much of a moon-landing-denier, but I feel a hint of DC-ness in some of these Marvel books. The Serpent in Fear Itself felt a little Darkseid/Anti-Life Final Crisis-like, the whole hammers/rings thing, the Fearless weekly follow-up sounds a little Brightest Day-ish, Uncanny #1 maybe a little New 52-y. Happenstance and circumstance I'm sure. Also, I think the Juggernaut on the Fearless cover is ok... From what I can gather from Fear Itself 7 and the recent preview of Fearless right here on iF is that it takes place afterwards and all the Hammery folks turned back to normal looking. A final chapter of an event doesn't get a sniff in POTW voting? Telling and sad.
October 19, 2011 9:58 am I would love to see a Red Son movie, I think they could do something really special animating the look of that book, But I think the problem with WB wouldn't be the politics, but rather the corporate "we don't want to confuse viewers with a different Batman/Superman". So it's probably a pipe dream, like my wanting a Rise Of Arsenal short in front of it. (Charlie Sheen as the voice of Roy Harper, and the cat)
September 15, 2011 1:19 am Forget about jetpacks, now I want my beer distributed digitally. Oh the joy of being able to instantly access a six of Spotted Cow or Leinie's 1888 Bock... As far as the comparison, it works for me. I worked for a couple of the mid-major breweries (Stroh's and Schmidt) years ago, they were kind of like the Gold Key and Charlton of the industry. Both had a lot of licensed properties (Stroh's brewed everything from Old Milw to Schlitz) and were aimed at cheap, mass consumption. While my fridge may be stocked with Summit and Point Dark, when I'm drinking for volume I enjoy a few gallons of Miller Lite. I just plain like beer, similar to how I just like comics. The good, the bad, and the wheat (which is bad).
August 31, 2011 9:45 am Just pulled up my DC Comics app and.... nothing. No JL #1 for sale, or a 'coming soon', or nary a mention. This is to be the start of my virtual pull-list era, and I'm still waiting. Come get my $3, DC. I got another $3 for OMAC #1.
August 5, 2011 5:38 pm I guess the next step is Hollywood to announce a sequel to a movie that hasn't even been pitched yet.

So I would like to announce Micronauts 2, the sequel to the record-grossing Micronauts movie that Michael Bay doesn't even know he wants to make yet. 
July 23, 2011 12:00 pm I enjoyed it. I thought Evans was very good, and the look of the movie was spot on. My only gripes would be that the missions to take out the Skull's bases were reduced to a montage and that Red Skull himself didn't seem to be a big enough threat to Cap. I was kinda hoping for old school cosmic cube wielding. I will admit I squealed a little bit the first time the shield clanged off bad guys, been waiting a long time for that.
June 9, 2011 11:07 am I imagine Thor ran into Ron Jon's and asked for the 'hammer hammock' trunks.
April 4, 2011 10:20 am I might have to pick this up, I was scared away from the Ultimate DVD collection due to manufacturing issues.

I'm kind of looking forward to watching IV having avoided it all these years. 
March 16, 2011 10:43 am I want Samnee drawing Captain America, the FCBD thing looks great.

I was half expecting to see Conor holding his log interrupting an interview with 'My log has something to say to you.'

Looking forward to part II, with possibly more Black Lodge Josh and 'Killer Bob' Casey. 
March 10, 2011 8:33 am Has anyone seen what early silver age original pages go for these days? If I had that kind of scratch, that would be my itch.

I still can't bring myself to slab my Avengers #4. I occasionally like to look at it's innards.