iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #204 – Emerald City Comic Con 2011 (Part One)

Show Notes

iFanboy is back on the road doing what they do best, talking to the best comic creators at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, WA. This year, there’s no shortage of fantastic writers and artists at what is quickly turning into one of the best comic book conventions in the United States.

Ben Templesmith

One of the true independent success stories in comics, Ben Templesmith is one of the biggest stars in comics who doesn’t work for either Marvel or DC Comics. Templesmith talks about his new hometown of Seattle, drawing in front of live audiences, and updates us on the status of Choker, Fell, and Wormwood.

Chris Samnee

A true rising star in the comic book world, Chris Samnee’s art style has a retro flair that has him quickly moving up the ladder to bigger and bigger comics. Samnee talks about what made Thor: The Mighty Avenger so special, discusses joining the long line of great artists on Ultimate Spider-Man, and wonders if hitting the big time still means he has to clean his cat’s litter box.

Jay Faerber

Long time Image Comics writer Jay Farber is known for embracing the soap opera aspects of super hero comics in a series of fan favorite original super hero comics. Faerber previews his new crime book Near Death, and talks about the possibility of more Dynamo 5.

Frank Quitely

One of the most popular and mysterious artists in all of comics, Frank Quitely finally steps in front of the camera. Quitely talks about the new Flex Mentallo and We3 collections, looks back at Batman and Robin, and teases his latest collaboration with writer Grant Morrison, Multiversity.

Jeff Parker

A fan favorite for years seemingly destined to write cult classics, Jeff Parker has finally found the recognition he deserves with a pair of high profile books at Marvel Comics. Parker discusses writing Hulk and Thunderbolts, talks about his webcomic Bucko, and explains his hopes for the new X-Men: First Class collection.

Tune in next week for part two!


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. Hands down, the most dramatic opening in a video podcast. Ever.

  2. Quitely interview! Looks great, guys!

  3. Loved the intro and the episode. Still waiting for the murder mystery, though.

  4. Great episode guys, just when I think Ron is getting a handle on those side burns…. By the way who is that women at the end? Someone’s mum who has passed away?

  5. Hum, Twin Peaks, nice.  Frank Quietly, nice again.  So while you’re there, pick me up that Batman & Robin hardback and get Frank to do a sketch, and sign it for me.  I’ll really appreciate it 🙂 Seriously though it looks like a fun con.  That Josh clone, might work, does he read Vertigo?  O Laura, sadly gone sniff sniff. 

  6. Brilliant credit sequences, boys! Brilliant! “The owls are not what they seem.”

    These are always fun. I had no idea what Samnee or Quitely even looked like so that was cool. Lookin forward to part 2.

  7. “She’s dead. Wrapped in plastic.”

    Love those credits fellas! You even snuck the prom photo in there! Awesome.

    Nice to see Quitely. Someone give that guy an All Star DVD for crissakes! Near Death sounds like it has promise. Lookin forward to next week’s episode.

  8. I want Samnee drawing Captain America, the FCBD thing looks great.

    I was half expecting to see Conor holding his log interrupting an interview with ‘My log has something to say to you.’

    Looking forward to part II, with possibly more Black Lodge Josh and ‘Killer Bob’ Casey. 

  9. You guys should do more openings this way. Joe Casey attracts me and scares me.

    Frank Quitely! Great job Conor.

    I have not read the Dynamo 5 but Near Death sounds like a good one. Gorgeous interiors and Tom Coker covers!

  10. Any word on the iTunes feed? I woke up and had both this and part 2, but they were extremely buggy. I deleted them so I could re-download, but they both seem to be gone.

  11. great vid guys. very interesting choice of music specially for the outro. cant wait for part 2. p.s. ron looked really tired.

  12. @azrael1981

    Yup, I can’t imagine how they do it. It looks like a lot of work but I’m sure they have fun! That is why I am a member.

  13. Haven’t seen the video yet, but Quitely on tap!?!? Yeah!!! I am so heading over to donate now.

  14. is it just me or does Chris Samnee look like a fusion of Connor and Josh?

  15. comic creators rocking a beard: alan moore, joe casey, jeff parker, jason aaron, & chris samnee.  anybody else?

    i think the beard is like samson’s long hair; it possesses power!

  16. Hey guys!  I met Ron and Conner at ECCC.  I was waiting in line for a portfolio review and snagged them as they were walking by.  You guys seemed pretty busy, but, I’m super happy that you took a second to acknowledge a fan.  

    It was an amazing show with great atmosphere and anyone who hasn’t gone, should really do so.  It’s a very well put together show.!!! 

  17. How ironic is that statement?

    “I will finish the last issue of Choker before Fell.”-Templesmith 

  18. I don’t comment much, but that was the slickest looking video show of them all.  Loved the intro/outro.

    You guys are bringing it like Jeff Parker.

  19. Decent con, the staffing situation we ended up having under new management was horrible but we managed.

  20. Intense episode, gentlemen.

  21. I thought that only dc was shaving pages off…maybe marvel is taking some cues…hmmf

  22. Great job as always guys. Love the Twin Peaks stuff.

  23. I have part 2 in my iTunes feed from last night

  24. @horrorofsorts  Yes, it went out accidentally.

  25. I love the opening. Great work w/ the editing, capturing a real sense of the Con. I hope this trends and carries on into C2E2 & SDCC. Also, can I say how much I adore the Joe Casey appearances in these videos? Easily one of my favorite writers, and each time he’s on, or even hinted at, it’s an event in the making.


  26. wow Joe Casey lol. it looks like you caught footage of the Sasquatch.

  27. Who the hell was that girl!!! So freaking creepy! plus we need more new Josh.

  28. LOVE the Twin Peaks intro.

  29. @Suicidalkangarooz  Laura Palmer.

  30. Loved the Twin Peaks motif as well!


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