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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
August 31, 2011 9:07 am Exciting times, exciting times! I will refrain from the "what about this book, or that book" talk, as my personal tastes will really make that judgement for myself. But I will say that I'm glad the "Dark" line is delivering. I want those books in my life, NOW.
August 30, 2011 7:58 pm His Power Girl was AWESOME! Didn't realize he is doing Voodoo until now. Adds a little excitement. Very much looking forward to it now.
August 29, 2011 10:11 pm I'm really excited for Mr Terrific. Probably top 10 for me. Being a JSA fan, I'm glad to see him get his own book. And with "Karen Starr" set to play a roll in the book... oh hells yeah!
August 29, 2011 10:07 pm 1. Batwoman 2. Swamp Thing 3. Frankenstein 4. Justice League Dark 5. Animal Man Very excited for Batman with Snyder as well, but since that really is a continuation of the Detective run... I'm more excited about getting these new-New titles. I'm also doing "The Full 52" the first month. I want to give everything a fair shot to wow me. Plus, I really want to support DC in this endeavor. Granted, this will probably dwindle down to 10 or so titles in month number two... but at least I will be putting my money where my mouth is. I fully support the reboot.
August 27, 2011 2:24 pm Now that didn't take long at all. Great news! And I love the return to an alternate Earth. Hopefully it will give the team room to breathe away from the Justice League. Now the speculation starts about who will be on the team. Didn't DC already confirm a "Multiversity" event that will deal with the set up of the new Multiverse, with Morrison writing? Sounds like prime real estate for a JLA/JSA crossover. Oh.. And I want JSA WWII era stories!!
August 26, 2011 10:51 am Alan Scott's armor is basically the lantern casing when you look at it. A couple months back he was paralyzed and the only way he could survive was becoming infused with his lantern/Starheart, or something like that. It was all pretty face-palm inducing. I do absolutely love that cover, though.
August 25, 2011 8:53 pm hmmmm.... so Walking Dead style. Ok, then I approve of that idea. Oh well... What could have been.
August 25, 2011 6:58 pm Only read the first trade so far. Which I loved. But if they only filmed the pilot that seriously looked like A LOT of the first trade crammed into one episode. I'm with some of the other comments above. I rather see this done proper, on the big screen or with a big budget, than see Fox mess it up. So i'm not too disappointed that it was not picked up.
August 16, 2011 11:45 pm I agree, especially with this book. The first volume, which kind of is a mini itself now, worked so well as a self contained story. And it was pretty phenomenal. Patiently awaiting this new series.
August 16, 2011 11:31 pm I like the Zatanna redesign. While she doesn't look like a girl Batman would date, she does look like a girl that I would date. So that gets extra points from me. I like the character, but I have no strong ties to her. I welcome the change. Overall, I like all the designs here. This is a good looking team. I have high hopes for this book.