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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
September 25, 2011 7:34 pm Good episode. Amanda Conor and Fiona Staples are among my top 5 artists. I also really love the stuff Jill Thompson has done at Vertigo.
September 22, 2011 8:16 pm A pretty unexciting week in the New 52, if you ask me. I thought most of them were pretty average. Few standouts. My quick thoughts... BATMAN - What happened to Snyder in his life to make him come up with this f*ed up stuff?!? Scotty, can you do a book that doesn't give me the creeps?!? But seriously, this was awesome. BIRDS OF PREY - Honestly liked this single issue more than the entire previous BOP run. But it still didn't click with me. BLUE BEETLE - Kept thinking the whole time, 'Ultimate Spidey was so much better than this." Did nothing for me. CAPTAIN ATOM - Looked horrible. The story wasn't completely horrible, but I can't get over the art. CATWOMAN - I dig it. Selina is a sexual person. She uses her sexuality to her advantage. Nothing wrong with that. The art was good. Typical Catwoman story. DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS - Deadman is a cool character. This wasn't a cool first issue. GREEN LANTERN CORPS - Liked the Gardner/Stewart on earth angle, mirroring what is going on in GL#1. Would have loved more of that, but then it fizzed. LEGION OF SUPERHEROES - Better and easier to follow than the LOST book. But still not a fan. NIGHTWING - Yes, the elephant was handled nicely. Actually everything was handled nicely. This was a decent issue. Unfortunately it still may end up on the cutting room floor. RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS - Fun, interesting. But I can do without. SUPERGIRL - I like the redesign and the art in general. But there wasn't much here story wise. For now this is a pass. But Supergirl is one of those characters I frequently pop in on. So down the road I'll probably pick this up again. WONDER WOMAN - Anything would have been better than how the last run ended. Thankfully we got more than just better. Mr Montgomery's review pointed out everything that was great (and maybe the one slight misstep). Overall, WW along with Batman are the only two that completely grabbed me.
September 19, 2011 8:54 pm Being that the first Batwoman arc was written pre-reboot, I fully believe that the photos on the wall are in no way indicating that Renee is dead. Of course some stuff could have been changed. But I don't see why DC wouldn't use her in their efforts to diversify the New 52. Female.... Hispanic minority... Gay/lesbian. She pretty much hits all the categories. I hope to see Renee as the Question soon. She's one of my favorite C-listers. Also, I loved Buffy #1 as well. Some of the jumping around in time confused me, but overall a good solid start. I will never Not love these characters.
September 19, 2011 7:11 pm Simple... As the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." What worked for them creatively and commercially (sales-wise) they did little-to-no changes. Everything else was rebooted.
September 15, 2011 8:47 pm Hold up.. The Japanese school girl isn't Dr Frankenstein, it's Father Time. Or are they the same person and I'm missing something??
September 15, 2011 7:44 pm My two cents... or my 52-cents... BATMAN AND ROBIN - First thoughts were... this is wrong, Damien has learned at least a bit of respect in the last 2 years. Then the line, "You were easier to look up to when you weren't around." NAILED IT! This is off to a great start. BATWOMAN - My most anticipated of the new 52, or really the last year. Did not disappoint. My only fear is that I will be buying this twice: once in issues, then again in trade for the bookshelf. DEATHSTROKE - Better than I thought it was going to be. However that's still not very exciting. DEMON KNIGHTS - Not my type, but Xanadu and creepy babies may keep me on this. FRANKENSTEIN - The art doesn't do it for me, but everything else makes up for that. I'm on this, I hope for a long time. GREEN LANTERN - Damn you Geoff Johns for making GL interesting again. I'm on the bubble only because I'm ready to move on, but give me Hal in the unemployment line and I will buy this forever. GRIFTER - I have no idea what is going on in this book, and I love it because of that. Slow burn thriller. It got me hooked. LEGION LOST - I have no idea what is going on in this book, and I don't give a shit. "Lost" is the key word, cause that's what I was the entire time. MISTER TERRIFIC - Indeed this is a new Mr. T. And I don't mind. I don't even mind the strange new role of my (former?) favorite DC character Karen Starr. But this art is shit. I'm staying for now, but the art needs to get better to keep me. RED LANTERNS - I had little interest going in... I have little interest coming out. RESURRECTION MAN - Best of the week! There is so much that can be done with this character. Like Animal Man last week, this is everything I want in a comic. SUICIDE SQUAD - Didn't think this was bad. Villain teams are not my thing, so I'll move on. SUPERBOY - I don't think I like any version of Superboy. This is no exception.
September 8, 2011 7:34 pm As a Full 52'er the first month, I hope to cut it down to just maybe 10 titles next month. And I like twitter-sized opinions, so here are mine on each... JUSTICE LEAUGE - Curiosity will keep me on this for at least the first arc. I like the whole "there was a time when the world didn't know." ACTION COMICS - I'm diggin' the new attitude Supes. But I really only enjoy reading Morrison in trade. So I'll be waiting. ANIMAL MAN - Damn! This is good! This is exactly what I want in a comic. I'm loving Foreman's style. This is beautiful. BATGIRL - I'm a fan of "Batgirl" no matter who is wearing the costume. But Simone has never really wowed me, and she didn't wow me here. I want to be wowed in these books. BATWING - Like the story. The art... not so much. This is on the border. DETECTIVE COMICS - Nothing here impressed me. Moving on.. GREEN ARROW - This shit is wack! HAWK & DOVE - This shit is even more wack! JUSTICE LEAUGE INTERNATIONAL - Maybe it's my Generation Lost love, or being a Booster fan, but this was one of my favs. I'll be on this for a minute, but I want Batman to leave. MEN OF WAR - At the bottom of the stack, but enjoyed it more than expected. I like war fiction that actually uses that soldier slang (i.e. the footnoted stuff). This is on the border as well. O.M.A.C. - Big bulky guys who smash stuff and talk in monosyllabics was never my thing. Next... STATIC SHOCK - Teenagers who swing around the New York skyline was never my thing. Next... STORMWATCH - I feel like this really didn't give me much of anything. But I'm still curious. I'll wait to see if it picks up some buzz. SWAMP THING - Twisty heads are creepy... and awesome! That Snyder guy may have a future in the business. Paquette's take on the Superman redesign is worth the cost of the first issue alone. This book is a keeper.
August 31, 2011 7:47 pm Big fan of the original movie, never read the book. Not really familiar with any of the actors you name, but I really dig the director choice. Been a fan of Floria Sigismondi since her Marilyn Manson videos in the 90s. And I really like The Runaways film. Her style could would well with a new The Crow flick.
August 31, 2011 7:35 pm I really like this review. After months of anticipation and finally holding it in my hands, all I could think was, "They are actually doing this." I found the issue very entertaining. I already love that superheroes are all meeting for the first time, and their initial reaction is... So What Can You Do? To me it was natural and made total sense. The content of the book embodied what the book is. A good first chapter in a bold new world. (and bonus points to Josh for the FNL reference. TEXAS FOREVER!!!)