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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
October 25, 2011 2:08 pm You're not going to find a show on tv (past, present, or future) that doesn't get a dip after a season premiere. The fact that it held up this strong is still remarkable. With last week's huge number, I was predicting at least a million drop off. And yes, still monsterous for a cable show.
October 24, 2011 8:59 pm I'm glad you guys addressed that voicemail. I always come to moments where I want to drop comics all together. I was going to use "post-reboot" as an excuse. But I can't, I just love comics too much to do so. Every time there is a slip in quality, I just drop whatever book it is and find something new to follow. There is SOOO MUCH published today. If you are a true comics fan how are you not able to find something you like?!? p.s. Nice call on the Desire song. They're a good band.
October 24, 2011 2:24 pm I enjoyed this episode far more than last week's. It brought out all those factors as to why it is a record-breaking and critical success. Right now season 2 has an 80 on metacritic, so apparently people do like it.
October 19, 2011 11:16 am Is it too early to ask for Snyder's Detective run?
October 17, 2011 2:33 pm @TNC, it does seem like a lot of your criticism comes from it not being like the book, but there are a billion and one reasons why that is. The biggest being that there are dozens of people who have influence over the show rather than just a handful when it comes to a comic book. Plus not to mention budgets, shooting timelines, actor limitations, and really the list goes on and on. Think about it, the reason they can't set the story during the winter is because they shoot the episodes during the summer. I think if you let some of those predispositions go you might enjoy the show a little more. I personally like that the tv series is straying from the book. If I wanted the same story I would just go reread it. With that said, I do think this was the worst episode so far. Every scene and plot point dragged on. It really didn't need to be 90 minutes long. A lot of that time was wasted. For a season premiere it could have used a bit more big action. Hey I love characterization as much as the next, but for a season premiere I want someone to get their face bitten off. Yes we had the cliffhanger ending, but I was more like "finally something exciting happens and the episode is over."
September 30, 2011 11:45 pm Great convo! Would of loved to hear more on your thoughts of VOODOO, being that it was my favorite book this week. I personally thought all this hoopla was much to do about nothing. But I also recognize that as a thirty-something male who is not timid on the topic of sex (and studied plenty of sexual identity in literature during grad school), that these books where geared towards my liking. Obviously the heightened attention via the reboot fueled the flames, and blew most of it out of proportion. As pointed out in the podcast, it's kind of a "what did you expect" moment. Chicks in bikinis were in comics long before the reboot, and they will be in comics long after. Anyone thinking that DC--or any publisher for that matter--was suddenly going to have their superheroes drinking milk and handing out bible tracts was in fantasy world. Look at Morrison's ACTION COMICS. A lot of that book will be aimed at making Supe's origin modern and more appealing. In other words, edgier and darker. The podcast also made a good point on how going digital may have influenced the direction for the new world. Digital DC has to compete with 24/7 free porn on the internet. Can you blame them for wanting to make a character or two sexy? There are more sexually suggestive photos in any number of magazines on any given newsstand, than there were in any of these comics. I understand that most of the criticism comes from good intentions, but a lot of it is unjustified.
September 30, 2011 7:23 pm Josh... I like these "What's Wrong With You" articles. I think you do a good job of positioning your opinion with leaving it open for debate. Keep 'em coming. With this I think you pointed out the elephant in the room about the entire reboot. While DC may have put on their happy ComicCon face and said, this is in effort to attract new readers, we really needed to take that with a grain of salt. The reboot was really done to attract readers away from the competition. Attracting new fans into any pop culture media is extremely hard. Whether it be books, movies, television, etc. I mean NBC doesn't create a new quirky sitcom to attract new people to watch TV. They do it to attract viewers away from CBS onto their shows. Not saying that the "new reader" phenomenon doesn't occur, because obviously we all started somewhere. But the idea that new a huge massive amount of people where suddenly going to run out and buy their first comic book because because they read in Rolling Stone that DC was going back to #1, or saw that commercial on the SYFY, was just a pipe dream that I'm sure DC's head honchos were aware of and then decided to play it safe. The best they could hope for was that people would give their Marvel books a break to check out what was going on across the isle. What DC did worked in that scope. I personally was ready to hang up my comic book habit for a while (i do that from time to time). But the reboot got me to at least hang around for a while. For the last month, every Wednesday I walked into my LCS and was greeted by a wall of "Sold Out" signs. In the three years of going there I've never once seen a single sold out sign. But there they were, at least half the DC titles already gone every week. As for diversifying the line, I say mission accomplished for now. Would I be picking up any #2's if it wasn't for the exciting "Dark" line, or that they sent an old favorite Jonah Hex in a new direction. No, probably not. These titles that are out of the previous DC norm will keep me interested for a while. Yes, there could have been a wider range of genres represented. But remember, this is the DC UNIVERSE. Their SUPERHERO world. Would it have made sense to have a romance book set in this universe? I don't think so. If we want more drama, romance, teen comedy, or whatever, we probably just have to wait for the inevitable Vertigo reboot ;) When it is all said and done, DC had the balls to do what Marvel chickened out with a couple years ago (i.e the Ultimate universe). For now it has worked, but time will tell if it has staying power.
September 29, 2011 7:18 pm My picks... Continuing on will be: ALL STAR WESTERN, ANIMAL MAN, BATMAN, BATWOMAN, DEMON KNIGHTS, FRANKENSTEIN, GRIFTER, JUSTICE LEAGUE, JUSTICE LEAUGE DARK, JUSTICE LEAUGE INTERNATIONAL, RESURRECTION MAN, SWAMP THING, VOODOO, WONDER WOMAN. One the bubble... AQUAMAN; BATMAN AND ROBIN; I, VAMPIRE; SUPERGIRL. And I'll trade wait Morrison's ACTION COMICS, maybe trade wait GREEN LANTERN. At the beginning I wanted to end up with only 10. I'm a little over...
September 29, 2011 7:14 pm My quips... ALL STAR WESTERN - Strange to see Jonah in this type of book. But refreshing. Engaged the whole time. AQUAMAN - Geoff Johns was on point with his titles. Return to fine form for him. And with this character. Brilliant way to start Aquaman. BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT - Final week of the new 52 and I am Batman'd out. Nothing grabbed my attention. I really don't even remember a single thing about this issue now. That says something. BLACKHAWKS - Was looking forward to this one, but it really didn't do anything for me in the end. FIRESTORM - Great opening scene. Horrible rest of the book. THE FLASH - I'll be the odd man here and say I didn't care for this. While the art was spectacular, I just think I don't care about The Flash. GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS - I kinda dug this, but it's still unnecessary. I, VAMPIRE - Love the concept, but not sure if it was executed the best. For now I'm interested. JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK - Not the homerun I wanted, but a solid double into left field. Like the art. My love for these characters will keep me on for a bit. SAVAGE HAWKMAN - Had no problem with the story. But I've never been a fan of Philip Tan. I have no interest in this right now. SUPERMAN - Loved all the Lois/Clark stuff on the final two pages. Unfortunately there were all those pages that came before it. This was a mess of a story. But I'll be the odd man again... I like the new costume. TEEN TITANS - This was cool. I liked it. But not enough to care. VOODOO - Favorite of the week! One of my favorites of the reboot! That Basri is insane. The art in here is amazing. And you wanna talk about an empowered female. How about a female alien who sees how stupid men are when there is a naked chick in front of them. This girl is bad ass.
September 26, 2011 9:07 pm Marathon month will end. 52-fatigue is definitely kicking in. But I'm still excited about finally getting All Star Western and Justice League Dark. Also on deck: Ultimate Spidey, and Angel & Faith. Thinking about giving Abe Sapien a shot. BQ: Saw 'Another Earth' a couple weeks ago. It's the first great film i've seen this year.