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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
August 16, 2011 11:07 pm I thought Sturges did a pretty solid job with #26, so I'm really looking forward to this issue. PG instantly became a favorite of mine back with Infinite Crisis, and following her through JSA and her own series only solidified that place. I always thought the costume and her *ahem* attributes worked best when the writers/artists didn't shy away from it. Which obviously was handled mostly in her series (i.e. Superman's great "making yourself a public figure... with your figure" comment). Kinda sad to see Kara Zor-L go, but excited to see how Karen Starr fits into the new 52. To paraphrase an earlier comment, PG eats reboots for breakfast!
June 23, 2011 9:49 pm Good show.  Nice to hear your full thoughts. As a DC fanboy, this has got me more than majorly excited. I too will be doing the whole 52 the first month.

And just thinking ahead, as you slipped in at the end of the show, it's going to be interesting to see what the second wave is going to be. As of right now my current favorites Power Girl and Stephanie Brown are missing, but I have no doubt that they will be popping up in some form in the future. It's just building up anticipation and making me more excited for the reboot. Cheers to DC for doing such a bold move. 

June 2, 2011 8:55 pm I haven't commented on this site in like over a year... But reading all these comments saying that a $1.99/2.99 price point is too much, pretty much irks me.  There are artists, writers, and editors that need to feed there families with the money they make in this business. And cutting revenue to give you a 99-cent comic would seriously affect these folks. When comic book creators are as profitable as Lady Gaga, then maybe we'll see 99-cent comics. Until then how about we rightfully pay for the entertainment they give us. 

Secondly..I approve of the overall DC plan so far. I personally am not interesting in going digital right now. But am looking forward to buying a sh-t load of #1's in September. New stories excite me!
August 30, 2009 7:42 pm thanks for rocking some Cat Power!
July 14, 2009 10:31 pm $20 I spent on one of their t-shirts went to that cause.  Yay me for contributing!!
May 10, 2009 7:07 pm

By no means am i a trekkie or trekker. I mean I dig some of the old movies, but i really couldn't have cared any less about all the shows. But this was a damn good movie! Great acting. The plot actually was well calculated, which was my concern going into it. But the movie was soooo entertaining. Far exceeded my expectations. 

I doubt there will be any summer movie this year that will top it. Much like Ron, I want to go back and watch the old series now.  

March 7, 2009 6:41 pm

I really dug it.  I can't see how anyone who is a fan of the book won't like the movie. As mentioned in the podcast, it's a 95% perfect adaptation.  And I see no problem with the change in the end.  Seriously, I didn't want to see a giant squid on the screen. It really would have been a little cheesy. 

Regarding the question of the general public... in the theater I went to I noticed a couple in their 30's with two 7-9 year-old children with them. I seriously wanted to go up to the couple and just ask "why would you bring children this young to this movie?" I think because of the marketing blitz there will be a lot of people who have no concept of the Watchmen and think it's an Xmen/Fantasic Four superhero-team action flick, and they will leave very disappointed. Those "civilians" who realize that they are about to see a long drama/thriller with some action thrown in will like it. Unfortunately there will be hundreds of thousands like that couple I saw at the theater and it may cause this film to get bad word or mouth. 

September 18, 2008 8:22 pm i hate this show.  but you made me turn it on.  damn you!!!!
August 31, 2008 12:30 pm Conor.  Being that it was one of your favorites, are there any Daredevil trades you recommend??? 
July 20, 2008 10:03 pm

Normally I would think the bringing back a villain you thought was dead thing would be way too cheesy.  But in this case I think it would be the only way they could top this movie.  It would be awesome to have Eckhart back as Two-Face for the third.  His performance in The Dark Knight was damn good, but obviously he's getting over looked.

I also think the the latest incarnation of The Penguin as crime boss probably fits best in Nolan's world.  So I think he's prime choice for number 3.