
Name: Troy Ostgarden


Troy's Recent Comments
July 7, 2010 6:40 pm I got all mine on Ebay for less than 35 dollars so i went a bit nuts and got the Alex Ross, Bruce Timm(my favorite) and Ed Mcguiness. They join my gorgeous First Flight Hal Jordan and a Bowen mini Daredevil. I was hesitant with the First flight Hal because of the slightly different costume but it really looks gorgeous once its in front of you.
September 24, 2008 2:43 pm

Yea. when i was a kid i was all about The Great American Hero! William Katt!

I read they are gonna do a Greatest American Hero comic and talks of a movie even.

June 17, 2008 2:57 pm

Also, rumored that part of the 70mins that Norton wanted in the movie was when Banner goes into the Arctic(its a scene in the trailers) he Hulks out and tries to kill himself or whatever and accidentally uncovers a frozen Steve Rogers...

June 17, 2008 2:56 pm did you also notice that the kid next to Mcgee character was Jim Wilson? I thought that was a cool nod too.
May 28, 2008 8:54 am actually i think its shipping late. i have it pre-ordered on amazon and it says its not shipping til Mid-June.
May 2, 2008 1:59 am So how in the world are they gonna pull off doomsday? and who is this woman? Silver Banshee?
May 2, 2008 1:58 am Michael Rosenbaum will not be a regular during “Smallville’s” eighth season, according to a press release jointly issued Thursday by the actor and the show’s executive producers.

Rosenbaum’s character, Lex Luthor, will be replaced by two new villains. From Friday morning’s Hollywood Reporter:

One of the new villains is Doomsday, who's notable for killing Superman in the DC Comics Superman universe. Another is a female villain producers describe as "intelligent, brilliantly manipulative, and dangerously sinister" whose "attraction with Clark may prove to be as deadly as kryptonite for him."


The actual press release indicates she "will be familiar to many fans."

Rosenbaum may be back as a guest star next season.

The 7th season finale airs May 15 on The CW.

April 23, 2008 11:27 pm

So can we discuss the last page? I have a feeling this is sort of like Rip Hunters Chalkboard from way back in 52 and also a lil bit in Booster Gold. Certain people are circled in Blue and others in Red. So daredevil has already been revealed as a Skrull along with Namor, Blackbolt, Sue Richards, Dum Dum and etc. Now Daredevil and Blackbolt are circled in Blue but so are Spider-man, Stature and Lockjaw(WTF?). Then we have Dr Stranger, Sentry, Wolverine and Hulkling. then i notice the people we already knew were skrulls havent been circled at all. WTF is going on?! Or am i just over analyzing this?

Oh wait nevermind. Im dumb and just remembered this is a flashback issue so we dont know about sue and  blackbolt yet.. But still!

March 7, 2008 4:27 am sounds like the whole bias i had. Then i read Scott Pilgrim...damn. I had been missing out for sure. Though i dont think other books would much appeal to me Scott Pilgrim did very very very much.
March 6, 2008 11:28 pm

Have you seen the Watchmen costumes? The Comedian and Nite-Owl look B A D ASSSSS!