
Name: Troy Ostgarden


Troy's Recent Comments
March 5, 2008 4:10 pm doh again. I meant Son of the Demon.
March 5, 2008 3:48 pm OOps and Pride of Baghdad and League of Extraordinary Gentleman which should be arriving in the mail in a few days. Phew! Not to mention all my 3 netflix movies i just got. Christ.
March 5, 2008 3:46 pm

Ive been on a ebay binge for trades so i have a small but formidible stack:

Animal Man Vol 1

Scalped Vol 1 and 2

Criminal Vol 2

Batman: Son of the Bat

I just finished up Starman-Sins of the Father(wwhich was fantastic pissed i have to wait til June for just the first Omnibus. BTW. Any idea how many ominbi it will take to collect the whole series?) and Criminal Vol 1.  If i woulda known this podcast would in the future make me spend more money on comics that i used to i think i woulda stayed away! haha