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Name: Theoran Brown

Bio: Birth survivor, sired many children, married a hot chick. The End


This is the only x-book I read and I was confused with the Logan’s brother scenes and since I know…

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Brian Wood wastes no time at all making you feel like you watching extended scenes from the 1977 movie. The…

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Let me start off with this. I love Cap. I am a Captain America guy, but it never made sense…

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Theoran's Recent Comments
October 11, 2011 3:18 pm For me, the digital comics allow me to keep up and read the comics as they come out for the first time. I've always been a month or more behind everyone. Now that I can get all my books with a few clicks and have them read before the iFanboys talk about them on Sunday. Last month was the first time I've actually been able to agree or disagree with their views on a comic the same week the book came out and I for one am excited for it. I'll still get the trades or omnis/absolutes of my more favorites in the end though.
October 11, 2011 1:51 pm Is it possible for McCann to not spill the beans till NYCC? Every interview I've seen or heard of him he's always chomping at the bit to spill the details. His energy and excitement are so evident in everything he does.
October 11, 2011 1:47 pm Just because something exists doesn't mean I want to entertain myself with it.
October 11, 2011 1:33 pm Maybe they want to avoid the man, but I think it's more to not cause issues amongst the current scanners. It's all kinda like fight club. First thing about scanning is don't talk about scanning. No one wants to be identified as the NARC.
October 11, 2011 1:28 pm Gah, what I am implying is that I feel the quality of his work, in my opinion, has diminished since so many of his titles were going the movie route.
October 11, 2011 1:26 pm Well, we always have the Loom of Fate!!!!!!!!!! My brother loved the Wanted movie and couldn't stop talking about it. So I sent him the comics to read just to see what his reaction would be. He called me a few days later and asked me what he had just watched.
October 11, 2011 1:24 pm I got no problems with Millar or his business model. I hope more creators get the same opportunities. I just don't like what he's doing anymore. I loved his Ultimate comics work, but lately, I cannot stomach anything he's doing anymore. The last issue of Kick-Ass did it for me. I can't wrap my brain around depictions of child murder and teen rape.
October 11, 2011 11:49 am Wikipedia says the following to it must be true: DC Comics Absolute Edition is a series of archival quality printings of graphic novels published by DC Comics and its imprints WildStorm Productions and Vertigo. Each is presented in a hardcover, dustjacketed and slipcased edition with cloth bookmark consisting of one or more books which include restored, corrected and recolored versions of the original work, reprinted at 8 inches by 12 inches. Also included are supplemental materials regarding the creation of the work, including sketches, comic scripts and memos.
October 11, 2011 11:47 am What this trailer needs is more cowbell, and a Chuck Norris thumbs up to boot.
October 11, 2011 11:37 am Give me more Uncle Rico! I really enjoy this book. The first Spidey book I've actually read so my opinion could possibly have no basis....possibly.