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Name: Drew Hinton



This is in-tune with what I’ve been reading in Supergods. It’s refreshing to read this character with a clean slate,…

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Whoa! I had very low expectations going into this, but Daniel surpasses everything I’ve seen from him before and delivers…

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Fun. That single word sums up this story. The art was the best I’ve ever seen by Giffen, even if…

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RedMoses's Recent Comments
August 3, 2010 5:43 pm I just want a Daredevil MAX book by Jason Aaron and Jock?  Then they can F up the main Daredevil book as much as they want.
August 3, 2010 5:38 pm

I miss Bendis on Daredevil.  I actually LIKE Diggle on the main book.  I'm keeping an optimistic hope for Shadowland.  But these "Who's the next man without fear" teasers seems like they are from someone who doesn't get Daredevil, or Daredevil fans at all.

I just hope that they are a humorous ruse.  Can we get a Daredevil MAX series... removed from the 616? 

July 30, 2010 11:55 am

Knowing Moore, this will most likely be more than a modern spin on Lovecraft and hopefully be meta-textual take on Lovecraftian horror.  Although, I suppose Neo-nomicon does imply new...

Whatever it is, I enjoyed the first issue.  I also enjoyed the wall trick. 

July 26, 2010 3:20 pm

Listen to Remender talk (on Word Balloon).  If anyone can write Deadpool in a way that interests me (hasn't happened yet) then he can.

Also, I'm a big fan of Fantomex.  I wish that Cable was alive and leading X-Force instead of Wolverine though. 

July 10, 2010 9:29 am Wonderful art from Samnee.  It was nice to see a superhero book from Marvel that didn't tie into 4 other titles and wasn't overly serious and dark.  
July 9, 2010 2:52 pm Beautiful book.  Not just aesthetically, but also in the story-telling.  Bendis outdid himself in making me care for a character.  There's so much heart in this book - After finishing, I made it my pick of the week, before I even finished my books.
April 7, 2010 3:54 pm Hopefully this is good news for the book (even if it was bad news for me) but the book was sold out at my LCS when I got there at 11:30am.
April 6, 2010 3:42 pm

I'll be mad if Emma dies so that the writers can put Scott and Jean back together.


April 5, 2010 10:38 pm I'm buying it.  Hopefully enough people do so that it can keep going.  This seems like it's right in Hickman's wheelhouse.  I can't wait to read his alternative history.
April 5, 2010 4:49 pm This is the book I'm most excited for this week. Phillip K Dick by way of David Mack? Yes, please. Hopefully this will satisfy me until I can get more Kabuki or Echo stories from Mack.