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Name: Drew Hinton



This is in-tune with what I’ve been reading in Supergods. It’s refreshing to read this character with a clean slate,…

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Whoa! I had very low expectations going into this, but Daniel surpasses everything I’ve seen from him before and delivers…

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Fun. That single word sums up this story. The art was the best I’ve ever seen by Giffen, even if…

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RedMoses's Recent Comments
September 20, 2010 5:35 pm

Also, I agree with the sentiment that's been stated before: I want my monthlies digital, and if you put out an amazing work that I must own, I want it in trade.  I want to be able to set something in my friends hand and say "Read This", or "I love this work".

And as Jim stated, the creepy comic shop is surely what keeps most out of joining this industry.  In my town there is 1 shop.  It's small, it looks very crappy, and other than the "new wall" it's piles of boxes, and the workers are unfriendly and generally acknowledgeable about the product. 

Amazon is my comic store.  Them or InStockTrades. 

September 20, 2010 1:23 pm My problem is that a majority of what the big 2 sells just doesn't get me excited.  It feels like the creators aren't that passionate about their products and therefore neither am I.  At Marvel, I love Thor - The Might Avenger, the 3 Hickman books, and that's about it.  At DC, there's not much other than Morrison's work and the GL books (I liked the Super books until Straczynski).  But for the most part, I'm just tired of the Continuity game.  It's as if most books are being written to propel continuity (or undo it) rather than to tell THE BEST POSSIBLE STORY.
August 9, 2010 9:34 pm Also, yes.  I laughed quite a bit when I saw that cover.
August 9, 2010 9:33 pm It was sarcasm.  In response to the reference to a new title's growing pains.
August 4, 2010 6:19 pm Matt will regret the actions that he's taken after Shadowland and go "find himself", and while he does that in the main book Marvel will probably put out some miniseries of the Substitute "Man Without Fear"
August 4, 2010 4:36 pm I'd like it if Echo took over for him.  I mean, if someone had to.
August 4, 2010 4:33 pm

You know what?  This just makes me want to head over to the Batman camp where they don't just switch out who's behind the mask...

They did what now?! 

August 3, 2010 6:07 pm And I must say, I really love the coloring and the modern Kirby crackle in these images.
August 3, 2010 5:48 pm OK, for the first time, I'm happy they've put Steve Epting on FF.  This looks great.