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Name: DING b@T

Bio: Thanks to DCs 'not a reboot' I have been introduced to the world of comic book reading. It's... interesting. Here I hope to type things out loud so that they make more sense to me. Because I'm discovering that there's penty of things in comic land that make me confused. Like Batman's ability to be in five places at once...


If you were a dissapointed fan of the Green Arrow ‘not-a-reboot’ then please sit down. The new creative team doesn’t…

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Although not groundbreaking the Huntress mini-series has been an enjoyable vigilante superhero romp whose only downfall is that it didn’t…

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Oh no they didn’t. Yes they DID!!! They Captain Planet-ed the Green Lantern rings!!! “By your powers combined, I am…

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PerplexedDCreader's Recent Comments
January 23, 2013 9:47 am Wow. Yeah that's... Why did no one pick up on that? It looks like someone did a photoshop select and drag for whatever reason and just forgot about her legs. Why didn't the colourist say something?
January 17, 2013 8:20 pm Harper Row's head ;)
January 17, 2013 9:09 am Has it been mentioned before this that Cyborg can open Boom tubes? That seems to be a fairly significant detail. I missed it completely.
January 15, 2013 3:20 am For this comic to survive it's going to need 40-50,000 sales out the gate so that it can fall back to something above 20,000. Is there that many people out there interested in this sort of story with these obscure characters?
November 15, 2012 6:44 am Also disappointed this is being cancelled. Always been crazy weird pulpy fun. Funny issue, too. I was just starting to really like Velcoro as Frank's foil and then... And what they're doing to Frank's supporting cast at the moment -- I'm hoping it bodes well for a permanent spot on the Dark roster.
November 2, 2012 11:28 am Can anyone else smell the potential for a Super-Maxi setting arising? After all, he's pretty much caught to rights on the footage alone. But now he has an accomplice so they can throw him in jail and then write him out again thanks to Diggle who can be his accomplice on the outside. Diggle can don the hood for a few episodes while Ollie does some Rorscach style inside justice and then the legal system will say 'well the Arrow was out there while Ollie was in there so he can't be the Arrow after all...' etc etc.
November 2, 2012 11:10 am This was epic. The way so many big names come together in a perfectly natural way was awesome and the huge concepts for the Dark side of DC just keep getting bigger. The locations are part of DC lore which is great, from the Houses to Nanda Parbat. Each of the characters are unique and stand on their own but then you throw them together and they play off each other brilliantly. You also get the sense that they have their own thing happening elsewhere but this is important enough to get all hands on deck, making the Dark world seem huge and living just off the edge of the page. Throw in a Constantine ending and I had one of the most straight up entertaining times reading this year. And that ending - anyone else get the feeling this is going to crash head long into the end of another book's big finish involving the return of a certain group of characters...
November 2, 2012 10:57 am What you said.
November 1, 2012 9:22 am :) You're obviously watching Arrow then :)
October 18, 2012 11:56 pm I think the Wonder Woman here is starting to sound a lot more like the Azzerello WW. This is good. Me thinks the 'better' WW is beginning to assert herself as the other writers catch on and say 'Oh, that's what Diana is really like'. It also makes me think that we dodged a bullet. Without the Azzerello Diana the JL#2 WW could have been the 'proper' WW. *Shudder* Yet to be sold on the new Cheetah but to be honest I'm now giving anything new to do with WW a lot more leash these days. I'm getting used to things not being the way I expected, being fretful for, oh about a month, and then being sceptical for a month, and then marvelling for another month about the fact that I've come to accept that this is probably a decent status quo. A magical brawler Cheetah who used to be best mates with Diana but now has Cheetpire abilities? You've got one month to make me sceptical, then another month to surprise me, then... And that whole Superkat thing - Batman so has a repellent spray for that. Just saying.