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Name: Joseph Karam



Since the Sentry was introduced in NA #1 i’ve been trying really hard to like him, or at least understand…

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Death List: Tyreese: Decapitaed w/ katana by the Governor Hershel: Exucuted by the Governor w/ a gunshot to the head…

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JoeNY's Recent Comments
May 28, 2008 9:41 am I'm going to ride out the wave of colossal awfulness of Tan's art in the hopes that the story continues to deliver.
May 28, 2008 9:35 am

This is easy they should all be dropped, and if you really miss them that much pick them up in trades. I have been slowly trimming the fat of my pull list over the past year, I actually appreciate them periods of time where I am forced to take a good look at my pull list and determine which books are worth being bought. I am very very selective now, and i feel i am a better reader because of it

May 15, 2008 6:07 pm I have a feeling the next few issues will leave Rick incapacitated but not dead, and carol will have to support/ protect his old man until michonne catches up with them. next month cant get here soon enough...
May 14, 2008 1:01 pm This title is so fresh and unique, something totally different than anything out there right now, if anyone has missed this title i suggest picking up the three trades this title reads very well in trades.
May 14, 2008 12:57 pm Hickman does some great work, I love pax romano. I have to yell at my store all the time cuse they take forever to get me these books
May 14, 2008 12:53 pm

I agree the covers for WD are awsome, the last arc had some great cover art. The one bad thing about getting this in trades is you dont get the covers. Now i get both the trades and issues (yes this book its that good) I have soft tpb, does anyone know if the HC have the cover art in them?


May 13, 2008 3:16 pm I'm going to be pick up the robin and nightwing titles along with Batman, the other ones seem kinda useless. I think their perspective and experience with will have some substance and enhance the overall story.
May 13, 2008 9:09 am This is the best ongoing title out right now, i love not knowing whats coming next it so unpredictable. Early in the 20's i tried to stay with the trades but i couldnt handle the anticipation. I'm also calling out Connor, Josh, and Ron to do a show or several on this book it needs some recognition. I know you guys only read it in trades and that why it doesnt get any love, but throw us WD fans a bone.  
May 8, 2008 1:43 pm Loved this issue very fast paced I definatly want some more. I think the secret part of this event has been the inflitration into the key positions within the MarvelU, now its time for the INVASION.....
May 8, 2008 10:55 am I actually enjoyed it more than i thought i would. I love how Fury has been prepared for this invasion months maybe even years ahead of the everyone else. The NA and MA are running around the jungle like chickens with their heads cut off, while Fury has been laying in wait. I was worried that this team was going to be kinda lame, but i like the idea Bendis is rolling with here, and it is way better than the orignal Howling Commandos. You see with Bendis I know that although this issue was mainly dialogue and displays of powers, this issue will pay off in the end. Bendis has vision he has his eye on the big picture....