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Name: Jetstorm Dark Master

Bio: Yes! I'm a Deadpool fan. So what?. Please don't hate me.


Jetstorm's Recent Comments
February 3, 2011 4:38 pm Definitely watching this!
February 1, 2011 3:38 pm Don't know who. But they look awesome!
February 1, 2011 11:06 am This is almost exactly my gay marriege superhero list. Except Scott Summer y would totaly trade him off for Danny Rand. He's everything Scott is, but he's also a millonare and knows kung fu.
January 31, 2011 8:07 pm @LarissaT  I don't think that what Jim was trying to say is "working in comics must suck". I think was more in the vein of "all you people out there who want to make comics are you so sure that you can take it? are you sure is what you want? because it doesn't seem to be that easy or perfect from this side.
January 18, 2011 11:00 pm Not gonna watch it! X-men movies have always sucked! Yes even the first one!
January 17, 2011 2:22 am The "Infinite vacation" problem you've been having it's because your are mixing diferent styles of vacation. There's a part where he explains that, there's a body swaping type of option, and there's the "lifeshare" option. Wich he describes as "multiversal couch-surfing"
January 13, 2011 3:58 pm Spidey's costum is perfect! They shouldn't change it.
January 7, 2011 9:57 am The link on the right doesn't work!
January 7, 2011 9:54 am I know you don't like or respect the Sentry. but fallen sun wasn't that bad. You just didn't like what happen in it beacaue it was following of the alter continuity of hte first sentry mini. It's still the gimmick wath it's bottering you instead of the actual content.