And Now Archie Comics Drops The Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval Too

Following yesterday's announcement that DC Comics would no longer be submitting their comic books for approval to The Comics Code Authority, Archie Comics has told Newsarama that starting in February they too will no longer be submitting thei books for approval.

Who's left? Bongo? No one?

I'm not happy about anyone losing their jobs (Especially these days, and though I'm not aware of any loss of jobs over DC and Archie leaving, I'm assuming that with so much less work to do someone's going to lose their job at The Comics Magazine Association of America. I hope I'm wrong.) but I am happy that the American comic book companies have finally abandoned The Comics Code Authority. It's shameful that this oversight was put into place to begin with and in 2011 it's long past time that it went away.

What does this mean? Ultra-violence and sex in the streets of Riverdale? Unlikely. Archie is not going to change their content because of this move, just as DC won't, and every other company who stopped submitting their books for approval by The Comics Code Authority didn't change what happened in the pages of their books.


  1. I think they’re doing this just so someone can hook up with that new gay kid without any blow back…wait that came out wrong…I should just stop.

  2. craziness. I will miss that little logo though. Such an iconic little thing that most all comics shared. 

  3. I can see it now…

    In a world of sex, violence, murder, and money. Big Daddy Archie runs a struggling strip club in Riverdale. He hires two new girls to work the club. Veronica, who will do anything to further her own ambition and Betty who wants to save enough and get out of the business. Staring Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper, and Archie Andrews as Big Daddy, with special guest Jug Head as Little J.

    Coming soon

    Trouble at Riverdale

    Summer 2011

  4. According to Bleeding Cool Bongo actually dropped the code a year ago

  5. From Wikipedia:

    “Wolfman” and credits

    At the 1974 New York Comic Art Convention panel “Marvel Comics: The Method and the Madness”, Marv Wolfman told the audience that when he began writing for DC, he was forbidden to use the name “Wolfman” in print due to the Comics Code Authority’s ban on werewolves.[10]




  6. Someone needs to get Garth Ennis writing Archie right away.

  7. Awosome!! Freedom of speech!

  8. Die Comics Code. Die.

  9. Ultraviolence and sex in the streets of Riverdale is the only way I’m picking up a freakin’ Archie comic.

  10. You know comics code wasn’t the draconian beast it started out as sing 1990. I dont see any real difference it’s death would make.

  11. The comics code have been ineffectual for years, good to see them go. Though I doubt it’ll make much difference.

  12. I would read mature Archie. Of course anybody looking for a mature should go and read Ed Brubaker and Warren Pleece’s ‘Deadenders’

  13. The Comic Code Authority is a relic of a bygone age. It was way past time for it to fade away.

  14. has Crossed dropped CCA???

  15. Has the CBLDF thrown a party yet?