Name: Josh Labelle

Bio: Film school escapee, writer, lord of my own tiny skull-sized kingdom.



I bought this largely because I found the cover striking. So score one for Nathan Fox. On a less superficial…

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What’s refreshing about this book is how the story feels not at all self-conscious. Manapul and Buccellato are just doing…

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This was brilliant. Tensions within the team have been masterfully brought to a boil. Even somebody like me who isn’t…

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JML's Recent Comments
June 25, 2013 12:28 pm I'm only 23 but every day I feel like I'm getting older and forgetting stuff that was important to me when I was younger and I don't know whether I'm supposed to care or not. Yesterday my girlfriend spotted a grey hair above my temple and as we were not near a mirror I made her pluck it out to show me. Alas, 'twas grey. As a kid my greatest fear was going as bald as my father. From the pictures of him, it looks like he must have gone bald all at once. Until 25 his hair was a thick black mop spilling out in all directions. And then all of a sudden around the time I was born it crept back, a retreating hairline, until he only had two tufts above the ears. I have elaborate strategies for what I will do if this happens to me. Combover. No, that's the coward's way. Shave it all off. Yes. Bulletheaded. Smooth. Like a monk. That's the way.
June 24, 2013 11:18 pm This is my most hotly anticipated comic book issue of the year. July through December comics can pack it in.
June 21, 2013 10:55 pm I've read back issues full of Wonder Man for years and never got why he existed. And then Remender got hold of him and made me get it.
June 21, 2013 1:29 am I second that recommendation. I picked up some of his X-Force run after being hellaciously confused a few issues back and it clarified a lot of stuff for me and was also just a damn fine read on its own merits.
June 19, 2013 9:52 pm I REALLY hated this way more than I expected to. I went into it choosing to not look at it as a Superman movie but as just a general cool action sci-fi film to avoid any fanboy kneejerky, and yet still it didn't work for me. The only performances I liked were Henry Cavill's and Diane Lane's for some reason. Michael Shannon and Russell Crowe were so generic. I almost cheered when Krypton exploded because I found the place so unpleasant, which was an odd choice.This movie also served to make Clark Kent's glasses disguise even LESS believable. I'd heard the score was really good, but I found it overbearing. Possibly it was symptomatic of the whole problem with the movie: no dynamic range, no space, just pounding you relentlessly.
June 19, 2013 3:05 pm I liked that they were Spidey villains because it seemed like a subtle way to make the reader aware that this was the Danger Room and not a real fight. I guess it might've just been an opportunity for Acuna to draw some random villains he likes.
June 15, 2013 12:16 am I'm going out on a limb here: I feel people get this way about film reviews with an opposing opinion because we're using the same parts of our brains we used to use to use to tell if food was poison or not. So you've got one guy chomping away on his mushroom (Man of Steel) and enjoying the hell out of it, and another guy pointing at the mushroom (Man of Steel) and telling everyone it's poisonous. And everybody gets up in arms like it's life or death, but like... 's just a movie, dude. It's not sustenance! Different nervous systems are gonna react to the thing differently. There's no objective way to judge the quality of a movie. So relax. (This was a weird metaphor thing.)
June 13, 2013 12:13 am Yeah, you can kind of get the vibe or spirit of a story from the first issue. With a lot of the Marvel Now titles, for example, it wasn't until the second issue that they really kicked into gear and found an identity. (New Avengers being the best example.) I suppose that could be the case here. I'll give it another issue so long as it doesn't come out on a particularly heavy week.
June 12, 2013 3:11 pm This book never lets me down. Great issue. The last page was an image second only to Oppenheimer punching a horse in the face.
June 12, 2013 3:09 pm Okay, never mind. Shut up, Yesterday Me. This was awesome and I think probably my pick of the week. Never thought Quentin Quire would become a favourite character.