
Name: Wai Ting


FrancisMH's Recent Comments
June 20, 2012 10:06 pm I really enjoy the new X-Men in this, especially the way they depicted what's been done on Utopia. I also love the dissent through the individual members of the Avengers, with Beast and T'Challa disagreeing with the others. The Thor example he brought up makes total sense. And having Coipel on this makes things much better. I know Romita gets a lot of respect in the industry, but his last issues just seemed so rushed and sloppy. Coipel drawing Wanda as well brings a nice full-circle tie in to House of M. I had no idea there was another Infinite issue to go with this release until I started reading some of this feedback. There seemed to be no mention of it in the issue itself? These are a HUGE draw for me to get a comic, and they should be advertised as such. And has there been a more useless implementation of the AR tech than this issue? No bonus features. No interviews with creators. Just low-res pencil sketches. One of them even incorrectly showed a panel from a previous issue. I think they can go much further with the creator's commentary throughout using this technology.
June 14, 2012 12:11 am Didn't think I'd say this, but you actually make a good point. In the last issue, Wade was running away from the attack in his JC Penny shorts, and here we rejoin him in combat gear, somehow with full access to the heart of their operation? How could they not have tracked him? I suppose he just snuck in, but it seems a little sloppy to omit some of that detail.
June 13, 2012 8:51 pm I agree with most that a realistic-style of art fits more with the tone of this book than Tocchini's on Otherworld, as nice to look at as it was. The appearance of the Skinless Man seems much more horrifying in this style, especially juxtaposed in front of a typical suburban neighborhood. I enjoyed a lot about this issue - from the haunting flashback of the Omegas' memory implants, to Fantomex describing his heartbreak, to the comic relief of Steve Holt! I can't wait to see him unleash that projectile cock.
June 8, 2012 7:55 pm The layout of time in this encourages a second read. I had no issues with the length. Sure, you can argue that not much happens, but that's the case for 90% of comic books today.
June 7, 2012 8:34 pm Well, seconds after posting, Google seemed to answer my query. Voila, for those as clueless as me:
June 7, 2012 8:32 pm Can anyone explain the implications of the "after Wrightson with love and admiration" mark on the cover? Did Paquette reference or base this off of a previous Swamp Thing cover?
June 6, 2012 9:16 pm Scott WANTS the Phoenix to reach Hope. Magik works on his orders.
April 26, 2012 1:01 am This was the most essential read of any of the side-stories in AVX so far. I've never read anything by Guedes before but the art in this was GORGEOUS. I think Remender has the best luck in artists, and rightfully so, because I really enjoyed the story and dialogue. Beast verbally bitch-slapping Brian in particular, was a highlight. I was however curious why Beast was drawn back in his old state and not his current Cat-like form. Perhaps an oversight by Guedes. I'm also not very well versed in Kree/Captain Marvel stories so I may need some research to aid me through it, but even without, I'd say this was read well and looked good enough to be my POTW.
April 25, 2012 10:42 pm I enjoyed the Iron Man/Magneto battle. Kubert's art is tremendous and I thought the deal with the Jupiter was cool. Thing vs Namor didn't have the same appeal. As for ramifications... the only thing I see being important would be Magneto's last line, though I doubt it'll get much focus since the main series is meant to be read without needing the side-books.
April 25, 2012 10:39 pm This is from the Amazon description: Collecting Avengers vs. X-MEN #0-12, AVX: VS #1-6, AVENGERS VS. X-MEN INFINITE COMICS #1, #6, #9 and material from POINT ONE. I'm intrigued how they'll convert the Infinite books into pages... though doesn't it sorta defeat the purpose?