Name: Drew Morcombe


DrewHLMW's Recent Comments
May 17, 2012 6:20 pm good series overall, it's nothing special but defo worth a read if you have some spare cash.
May 17, 2012 6:19 pm Where's my war? I was expecting John vs the alpha lantern with Guy helping him but nope its just CSI green lantern style and I hate CSI. If it wans't for this guardian conspiracy stuff I would have dropped this by now.
May 17, 2012 5:42 pm As a new reader who tried to start with issue I can really only judge it as such, an introduction for new readers to jump on board with. and it failed miserably. This tells me nothing about the current 616 FF and their current plot and happenings and it is the first comic book I regret ever buying. since you guys say the current writer is leaving soon I'll wait for the 1st issue of the new writer before trying Fantastic Four again.
May 10, 2012 10:25 am not a bad issue but nothing very special about it either, just a really average book.
April 30, 2012 8:02 pm Easily Marvel's best book dont know why it doesn't get more pulls
April 30, 2012 8:02 pm Teen Titans is easily one of the best new 52 books and in my top 10. But no as this Month is the big finale of the first story arc. Next month's Teen Titans #10 would be the best place to start.. Superboy is also closely tied into Teen Titans so that may be worth a look with issue #10 as well.
April 30, 2012 7:59 pm My Last Issue. Sorry GA your now a Trade Wait starting with Issue #10
April 26, 2012 11:40 am This was a nice little one shot filler issue to get us to the owls crossover before the new writer takes over with #10
April 25, 2012 11:58 pm While I enjoy the book I just cannot get into any of the characters except Kyle, I would much rather this was his own solo title. I dunno I basically read everything from green lantern rebirth to brightest day the month before the new 52 started and to be honest I'm fed up with the rainbow spectrum. I want at least one GL book to have a regular earth super villain like flash, batman and superman, not everything has to be in space. Maybe I just tired myself out by reading it all in a month.
April 25, 2012 11:55 pm There was one specific thing that happened in this book that made me cut a star of otherwise it would have been 5 stars. *SPOILER* simply I don't like the idea of the Blackhawk dude taking the place of Fallon who I've enjoyed reading about over these last 8 issues.