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Name: Patrick Moore

Bio: First, about me. My name's Patrick. I'll be 31 in March '08, and I work as a Mailman in South NJ.I'm a long time comic fan with a soft spot for the Avengers. I made my first comic purchase when I was 8, and now over 20 years later I'm still going strong. My "Holy Trinity" of heroes are Captain America, Thor, and Spider-Man, in that order. I have almost every issue of the Avengers ever printed,  missing the first 3 and a few  random  books here and there. My favorite  comic creators  include JRSr, Stan "The Man" Lee, Roy Thomas, Brian Micheal Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Sal Buscema, Robert Kirkman, Todd McFarlane, Jae Lee, Mark Gruenwald, and many many others.I love conventions! I try to make it to both the New York Comic Con and Wizard World Philly every year, with high hopes to one day make it to the big show in San Diego at least once. I often work at some of the small local cons as a vendor with 10 or so long boxes of back issues and collectible toys.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xdp0FRE9rIhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xdp0FRE9rIOver the past few years, I’ve put together strait/complete runs of: Ultimate Spider-Man; Daredevil Vol. 2; Ultimate Fantastic Four and a few others. I’m still working on my Avengers and Captain America collections.Avengers, Vol. 1 "need" list:1-3614537175-7678-8285-8991-98109-110130133-134137162166West Coast Avengers, Vol.293-96Captain America Vol. 1:104-106108-110112114116-117120-122124-125127-129131133-136138-139141-142145-150153-157163-164166169184187212214220227230234-235241-242251273283409425435Captain America, Vol. 23-512-13


I love this series, no surprise there. 1) It’s sci-fi with a lot of real world physics. The idea of…

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Every good science fiction book needs to have solid science to help back it up, and Buck Rodgers delivers! I’ve…

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I’ve seen this top out at $89 on e-bay before shipping.   LOL I would never pay that much for…

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Animalvader1's Recent Comments
January 18, 2010 3:57 am

I predict a "main" Avengers team with the core members to work major threats, and a "street level team" to work locally.

 Though I enjoyed New Avengers, it wasn't an Avengers book! It was missing the feeling that all would be lost if they failed. It was good, but still lacked that "epic" quality that a true Avengers book should have. Dan Slot's Mighty Avengers run came very close to that, and regardless of what happens, I hope he's still involved with the Avengers when the dust clears...

December 17, 2009 12:12 am I have a few Dandy and Beano annuals. My Grandma would ship them over here to the states for me. Good stuff! I've also got a few Action, Hurricane, and Hotspur annuals from the early to mid 70's. Ron would probably love these, since they're all anthologies.
December 3, 2009 9:47 pm @Muddi900-- your post was spot on, man! You made my day.
December 3, 2009 12:12 am

Here's the thing with grading guys, my two cents.

 I have my rare books graded when I go to shows, but they need to fit a certain criteria to be worth it. The most common books I get graded are the books I want signed. Anybody can print a certificate of authenticity on their PC now a days, there's really very little long term credibility to COAs if you think about it. CGC has very strict guidelines for their signature program, and the label is sealed in the case with the book, making duplication or swapping the books impossible. If you are in the market for a key issue signed by Stan Lee, for example, Read the yellow CGC label and you'll know exactly what you're getting. Plus, when you get it done yourself, you won't have to wait in line! (though you still can if you want to meet the creator)Though I have no intention of selling my graded books, I can rest easy knowing that if I ever had to, I can prove the signatures are real and get what they're worth.

 I get the rare books grade, but I still have a reader copy. whether it's a variant with a low print run that I picked up for the cover art (Aspen Civil War #1), or an old key issue that has historical and sentimental value to me but unfortunately hasn't aged that well and wanted it protected (Avengers #4), I always have a reprint or reader copy for the book (CW 1 news stand/TPB, Avengers classic #4/ Avengers Masterworks/ TPB, etc). It's not like I go out of my way to buy reprints just so I can slab my books ether. I'm sure we all have multiple versions of more than a few of our favorite books. How many people bought Captain America in issues, then picked up the Omnibus when it came out? Or read Watchmen in trade, then got the Absolute? I think we're all guilty of that.

Point I'm trying to make is: Those of us who get our books graded are not always money hording A-holes (though some are), most of us do it because we love the comics in our collections, and want to protect some of our best so that, hopefully our kids can enjoy them too.


Here’s a side question for you all: Should the unthinkable happen and our present civilization is lost due to natural disaster, extreme climate change, or nuclear fallout, how would future civilizations learn of us? They could make educated guesses based on archeological discoveries, like we do now, but any books found would probably be unreadable. After a few thousand years computers probably wouldn’t work, even if they had a similar power source.  Ah, but a CGC graded comic would probably survive the test of time! Not only would they learn about our culture, but they’d probably think a few of us could fly too!


December 2, 2009 6:40 pm Spot on job guys. couldn't agree more with this vid.
November 27, 2009 10:37 pm Hal Jordan is not Chuck Norris, and even if he were, Bruce Lee would have kicked his ass too.
November 26, 2009 10:37 pm

Awesome thread!

 I would rather see Nova win, but I have to give it to Green Lantern. Imagination is key to his constructs, and that is limitless. Unless Nova could siphon the power from the ring, I can't see him winning this one.

November 24, 2009 11:11 pm

You all need to read Buck Rogers!


Amazing Spider-Man #613

Avengers Initiative #30

Buck Rogers #6

Criminal Sinners #2

Dark Tower Fall Of Gilead #6 (OF 6)

Fantastic Four #573

Gi Joe Origins #9

Guardians Of Galaxy #20

New Avengers #59

Secret Warriors #10

Spider-Man Clone Saga #3 (OF 6)

Thor Giant Size Finale #1

Ultimate Comics Avengers #4


November 24, 2009 11:03 pm

I agree this book is great, but there are many people out there buying books every week, who don't use this site. The numbers here don't reflect the actual market, just our comunity.


That said, this is my favorite indi book out right now, closely followed by Hellboy, and better than GI Joe. 

November 21, 2009 9:53 pm

I think the fact that it's a Vibranium/steel alloy is why it bounces off of objects instead of it "clanging" and falling to the ground like any other piece of steel would. I don't remember any ordinary Vibranium acting like that, but I could be wrong. The Vibranium may absorb enough kinetic energy on impact to prevent destroying the object, and distribute the remaining energy through the steel to "push" off the object with a slightly smaller amount of force so it doesn't lose much velocity. In a nut shell, it deflects itself off the wall, or thug, or whatever.


It returns to him however out of nothing but skill. He plans every throw, and knows the shield well enough to know how hard to throw it at a given object to make it bounce a certain way. In the early issues of Tales of Suspense When Cap and Iron Man shared the book, Stark put Magnets on the shield and Cap's glove. Cap would flip a switch, and the shield whould fly back. Thankfully, those days are over. lol