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Name: Jim Hussey



Alfred's Recent Comments
August 11, 2010 1:52 am I listened to the podcasts and remember the exchange. I however thought he meant that they were going to don a Brave and Bold Earth one OGN... "Hey! You got yer self promotion in my information" "well you got yer information in my self promotion". "Hey! Tastes like confusion!"
August 10, 2010 2:50 pm I think Superman knew that if he just grabbed the suicidal girl first thing, she would just be back up there later and have one more person to resent in this life. He knew the only way to really save her was to make her realize that she wanted to get down herself. Also, it's unclear at the end of that part on wether she was stepping off the ledge to die or to grab Supes. Of course he grabbed her anyway and wether She wanted to die or not, as soon as she was in Supermans superhug, she wanted to live. I think this was a great example of a superhero thinking before acting. I equate it to those horrible half issues where the heros fight before teaming up with each other. "maybe this guy is here to help us and NOT fight us. let's use our words instead of violence" is a rare thing in comics. He could have grabbed her immediately, taken her home and as soon as he left she puts a gun in her mouth. I think He knew exactly what he was doing. Later in the issue he just shoo's off the drug dealers because he understands bad people are just gonna be bad and all we can do is not let them be bad near us. Everyone has to get together to really stop these creeps. The only way nonstop them is to I've them no safe harbor. Granted Supes did seem a bit out of character at times, but I think JMS knows what he's doing and it will all work out.
July 16, 2010 8:11 pm Hal Jordan Shmal...uh...Shmordan...I wanna see some alien folk. Tomar-re, Kilowog, Sinestro, Gaurdians, and most importantly, that guy who's just a head with arms and legs...he's rad!
June 30, 2010 9:11 pm Brava. I am very excited to read this. Especially after hearing about an Amanda Connor EggFu. Hurry up,UPS guy, hurry up!
June 29, 2010 10:23 pm @paulmontgomery-I think they are gonna do more elseworlds. I get my books through DCBS and one of the books I just ordered was solicited as an elseworlds...also, I love wonder woman and am excited for this story...wait, I mean, Ahhhhh! Stop raping my childhood! I'm a victim! I'm a victim!
June 25, 2010 1:45 pm I am re-watching all of MadMen in preparation for the 4th season and I had the same John Hamm as Supes thought, but he is too old. In a few years he could play Kingdom Come Superman in that Kingdom Come movie they are never gonna make.
June 17, 2010 10:51 am I think he was actually protecting the cat.  I took it as he thought the cat was his dead daughter.  either way...*shiver*...
June 14, 2010 5:05 pm BLAMO! ZIP! KRANG! Co-Founder of geek site faces off aginst nerd community member!  This @conor fella seams like one tough customer, so lets hope @patio is sturdily built and to code.  HEY-OH!
June 10, 2010 8:47 pm It used to be if I wanted to be anywhere near my wife at about 4pm I'd be forced to be in the same vicinity as Entertainment Tonight.  I learned from this experience a highly complex equation which calculates the actuall goodness of something as filtered through the garbage that is Hollywood gossip news magazine shows.  Thor is going to be fantastic.  Natalie and Chris have great chemestry if they were able to hold it together that well while being interviewed by one of ET's soup brained correspondents.  Also, Branagh can really direct. The guy makes a 5 hour version of Hamlet more accessible than the Twilight films.  FOR ASGARD!
June 3, 2010 2:05 am

It grew on me after looking at it objectively...also, it looks a bit Kirby-esque, no?