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The Beginning of the End for CrossGen? – UPDATED

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Newsarama has confirmed the rumor that has been going around for a while now that CrossGen is in serious financial...

New Sandman Comics Are a Big Deal

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Sandman is and was a big deal. Back when it started, right up to when it ended, there was nothing...

George Perez’s Wrist Must Hurt A Lot

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George Perez is crazy. That’s an incredible undertaking.

A Legend Passes… Johnny Cash (1932-2003)

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WE REMEMBER JOHNNY CASH 1932-2003 An American Icon. He was the Man In Black. Love. God. Murder. The world will...

Christian Bale is Batman

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Newsarama has reported that Warner Bros has announced that Christopher Nolan has finally cast the lead role for his in-development...

New York Times Bestselling Author Warren Ellis?

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Received yesterday in Warren Ellis’ e-mail newsletter Bad Signal: Press release issued today by publisher HarperCollins, New York: “Senior Editor...

The Ever Interchangable World of Gotham: Brubaker Out; Gabrych (?) In

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Yesterday it was announced that Ed Brubaker would be leaving scripting chores on Detective Comics, and today we meet the...

All Hail The King! The New York Times Recognizes Jack Kirby

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Today The New York Times finally paid homage to Jack Kirby, recognizing him as the artist that created so many...