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“Comic books should not be nominated for National Book Awards” – Wired

Wired News columnist Tony Long on American Born Chinese being nominated for a National Book Award in the juvenile literature…

Is Lockjaw just a dumb dog?

While checking to see if Iron Man knows about the Inhumans declaration of war, I came across the page debating…

Hey, We Should All Be More Like Keith Giffen

You know, the more and more I read about him, and read his actual work, the more and more I…

Soon You Might Be Able To Tune in to Moon Knight!

It looks like Blade won’t be the only second tier character to get the TV treatment, as Marvel Studios has…

The New Artist on ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’? It’s Immonen

It’s official — Stuart Immonen is the new artist on Ultimate Spider-Man. Thanks to Derek for alerting us. I like…

We know comics are basically soap operas, but this is ridiculous (UPDATE)

Gordon the Intern tipped us off to the background info and trailer about the crossover between the soap opera Guiding…

Runaways’ Random Arrrow Mystery Solved

For those of you listened to this week’s podcast, you may have heard me wonder where the random arrow on…

“Didn’t you get that memo?”

Let’s celebrate hump day with a tribute to soul crushing office work! Office Space never fails to make me laugh.

“Yes, we’re going to a party party…”

Someone from iFanboy is celebrating a birthday today! He’s tall, has a rough disposition and a predilection for comics involving…

The OFFICIAL ‘Pride of Baghdad’ Conversation

After some discussion on the other thread, it became clear that Brian K. Vaughan’s Pride of Baghdad warranted its own…